Something Different

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Hey you guys sorry i haven't updated on my story 'Mate'.I am going to keep writing on it but right now i'm starting a new story.Also the gems from Steven Univers is going to be in it.Well exept steven.Rose and the other gems are young so steven is not in this.So here you go. I DO NOT own any of the characters.


(noones P.O.V.)

Beep,beep,beep'click. Kevin lazly rised up from his bed dreading to go back to school.He went and did his normal ruteen.Shower, get dress,eat and headed to school on his bike (motocycle).'I wish something intresting could happen.'he thought.Kevin locked his bike and headed to first period; witch he was greeted by Nazz."Hey Kevin whats up?" Nazz asked cheerfuly."Oh hey Nazz.I'm just sick of doing the same thing every day."Kevin confessed."Don't worry Kev; cause today we are going on a field trip to the aquarium!" Nazz said exitingly."Oh right I forgot about that." he replied.Then the teacher walked in the room with the last of the kids rushing to class.This did include Kevin's best friend Nat."Ok student's settle down.Now I know some of you is excited about the aquariem trip, but we still have to have rules for safty" the teacher said.Aww's and other complaints was heard around the room. "Ok now be sure to..." Kevin zoned out on what the teacher was saying.He thought about how much more interesting his life could be besides football.Once the teacher was done explaining the rules, everyone went outside and onto the schoolbus.Kevin and Nat sat beside eachother in the back of the bus. Then it was Nazz and Mary, Sarah and Jimmy, Jonny and Rolf, and last was Ed and Eddy.

Once they got to the aquarium everyone awed at the fishes."Hey look Eddy!A mermaid.I want to go see the Mermaid."Ed yelled, jumping up and down like a little kid."Ya right.Like there is going to be a real mermaid in there."Eddy said; but still following his tall childish friend.Everyone ellse followed excited to see a real mermaid.The room was like a tunnel, so it can show all oof the creatuers.But there was no sign of life."Nothing is in here you dorks."Kevin said annoyed."It's not like it's our falt shovlechin!"Eddy 'yelled."Well if you would-"Kevin was interupted when they heard a tap on the glass.They looked around and saw nothing.Tap tap tap.It went again.This time they looked up and gaped at what they found.

A boy about a head taller than Eddy looked back at them.He had big blue eyes and a black beenie with two white stripes; that hid his ravon hiar.This was not the reason everyone was looking at him in awe.It was because said boy had a mermaid tail.It was about 5'' and a shining orange.

(Kevin P.O.V.)

'Wow.There really is a mermaid, er well merboy.'I thought.He looks cute.Yes you heard me right.I Kevin Barr am bi.I alredy ''came out of the closet'' like a month ago.Suprizingly (note sarcasum) everyone accepted me.Anyway Ed started to jump up and down again; yelling 'I told you so' and 'look a mermaid'.The small boy swam to the side of the tank so we didn't have to look up.He looked at us and tryed to say something but it came out as muffles.That's when he went behind a rock and came back.In his hand looked like a small black rock.He wrote out on the glass what shocked everyone.


"Help?Help you from what?"Nazz asked.He wrote 'The owner oF the aquarium.He killed my mother and now I'm traped here.Please if i do not comply to his demands he would feed me to his mean sharks.'Were is this owner how dare he threaten my littlegold fish.Wait, did I just think 'mylittle goldfish'? Wow I can't beleive I fell for the boy that fast.Oh well."Hey Kev maybe we can strike a deal with the owner to get him out of here."Nat suggested."Not a bad idea Nat.Come on the trip is about to end so let's hurry up and find the boss."Nazz said."Well be back cutie"Nat said running to the bosses office with Nazz.The rest of us stayed behind."Wow a mermaid.We could get some serious cash from this." that scaming dork Eddy said."What the hell is wrong wiith you?! You are not going to use him for money.He is already in this situation to begain with."i said annoyed at the dork's stupidness."Ok ok."Eddy said.Soon Nazz and Nat came back."Hey what happened?"Sarah asked."Well we made a deal and now he is free."Nazz squeeled."Ya they even gave us a giant fish bowl to put him in."Nat added."But now there is one problem, who is going to keep him?"Nazz asked."I can keep him."Nat said with a perverted smile."What about your parents?"Jonny asked."Oh right."he said disappiontingly."How about my place?I live alone so it'll be safe"I suggested.I looked back at the merboy."Hey you want to live with me?"I asked.He looked supprised at first but then smiled; showing his cute gapped teeth.He nodded yes and that made me very happy."What's your name?"I asked.He wrote 'Edd.But I feel safe with you all; so you can call me dubble d' "Well dubble d I'm Kevin."I said with a small smile.

'This will be interesting.'


Well that was a lot.i hoped you enjoy it.tell next time ja ne!

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