The Plan

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OK so since you guys are awesome I'm going to give you an extra long chapter.
(Kevin pov)

After school me and the rest of the cul-de-sac kids went to my house. "Hey dork I'm back! " I yelled. "I can't wait to see dubble cutie again. "Nat said. We went into the living room and everyone froze. Sitting on the couch in my favorite leather jacket was a naked dubble d.What surprised me even more was that he had legs. They had a little bit of orange scales on the sides. His feet were webed kinda like his hands. "Oh salutations everyone."Edd said in a calm voice like this was normal. As soon as I heard his sweet voice I blushed an became hard."Dubble d how did you get out of the tank? And how did you get legs?"Nazz asked."Well when I am dry I can form legs.Since I was always in a tank at the aquarium I couldn't form them." Edd replied.

"....Ok.....So I'm going to get you some clothes. "I said as I head to my bedroom.I picked up a red button up shirt with black jeens. I ran down stairs just to see Nat being held back by Rave yelling about how adorable Edd is, and Edd hiding behind Nazz.

"What the hell is going on?!"I asked.Everyone stopped what they was doing and looked at me. "Dubble cutie and Rave won't let me hug him." Nat wined."Nat not even I would hug you. One he is naked.Two your scaring him."I said walking up to Edd."Here put these on."I said giving him the clothes."Oh dear, um, Kevin
how do you put these on?" Edd asked.

"I'll show him!"Nat yelled.

"No you won't! "I yelled back at him.

"Nazz please go help him."I asked politely."OK dubble d come with me."Nazz rhymed.The two headed up to my room one bubbly as ever(nazz) and the other confused as hell (edd)."So what are we going to do?we can't just walk in and ask for eight more mermaids."Nat asked."Well I was thinking about sneaking them out at night.We can leave Dubble d with the girls while we are out." I explained. "OK what about security shovel chin?there are bound to be cameras and guards around."Eddy said.'Well shot that messed up my plans' I thought."Um, Kevin?I think I can help you with your situation." Someone behind me said.I turn around and see it was Edd.He had on the red button up shirt on and the black jeens that gives you the perfect view of his cute ass that I just want to---hold on a minute!Kevin stop not the time to think about this."Um sure dork you could help. "I replied. "Exelent! So there are 10 guards at the main entrance of the aquarium
patrolling the entire night. In front of the mermaid esibit there are 5 guards. From the aquarium entrance to the interior of the tank there are 50 cameras. I can hack into the cameras from here and shut them down for an hour. All you need to do is sneak past the guards with eight little girls."

Everyone just stared at the dork for a while. It might be a little risky but it would work. "I think it would work.Anyone else wants to help? "I asked. "Fine I have nothing to do anyway. "Eddy said. "We get to see more mermaids Eddy?!"Ed said jumping like a little kid."Ya Ya lumpy."eddy replied."The booty king is at your service!"said. "I might regret it later, but I'll come to."Rave said.Soon enough everyone was in it."Alright we'll get the girls tomorrow night."I told them as they left to their own homes."Kevin do you think that the plan will work?I just don't want to be without them again. "Edd said."It'll be ok.i mean, you are a genus. So don't worry about it. Everything will be fine. "I told him.Soon I felt warm arms around me. I hugged edd back."Thank you Kevin. "That was all he said before falling asleep in my arms. I pick Edd up and place him in my bed.I climbed up under the sheets with him and fell asleep with a smile on my face having the best dream I had in years.
Alright how did I do?I think I could have done better but I have to get ready for school that is like next month. Oh well. Hope you enjoy the story. More updates soon.tell then ja ne.

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