Part 2: Next One?!

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Hi!! It's your author, Kokoro Hamasaki!!
Hope you enjoy the story!!

At the date, Y/N POV

Well, this is awkward.. I walked and sat at the table. The tension wasn't necessarily thick, but it was silent between us. So, I decided to spark some conversation. "So... You would never agree to this in a million years. What did Hizashi have to do?" I asked him. "He betted his sound system this date would work out." Aizawa said in an "annoyed I don't really wanna talk" voice. "Oh, hehehe, he just shattered my ear drums over the phone." I said awkwardly. He hummed in response.

A waiter came by to take our orders. They also reminded us the place closes at 9 while the cat petting space closes at 8. They left, and it was back to the awkwardness. Jeez, what can I do to ease the tension? Mrs. Joke would probably try to make him laugh, and he never does and hates when she tries, so that's a no. I already tried talking about something, but he cuts off things so quickly that I can't respond really!! Ugh, this is so hard. Why is this stupid eraserhead dude so hard to talk to and conversate with!?!

"Y/N," I heard a voice say. "Huh?" I said in response. "Let's go to the cat section before it closes. They'll notify us when the food is done." Aizawa said, standing up. "Okay!" I responded, standing up with him. We walked upstairs to the cafe's second floor to see a whole area filled with cat toys and cats. ItSooo cute!! I just love kitties!! I thought to myself gushing at them.

I pulled off my shoes as I saw a sign that said you had to or the cats would try to chew them, and walked to a tiny black cat who looked sleepy. "Aww, are you tired, buddy?~" I said to the cat, petting the top of its head. The cat only yawned in response. "Ahh, a cat of no words, eh? I can roll with that." I said as I continued to pet it. Aizawa came in after me, and as soon as he did, almost all the cats came to him. Minus was the one who I was with, and another one was asleep in a cat bed. "What a kitty magnet!! Teach me your ways, Cat Emperor!" I said, teasing him. "It's a natural talent." He said with a smirk.

I swear I saw tiny sparkles in his eyes, playing with all the cats. It made me giggle. The black cat pushed my hand out the way by stretching and crawled its way into my lap. "Awwww, I just want to take you home with my cat, Kil." I said, gushing at the cat being super adorable. "You have a cat?" Aizawa asked me with a bit of curiosity in his voice. "Oh yeah! It's a pretty white cat with blue eyes. I was walking home from this fight with a villain with the same quirk as me, and he just followed. I call him Kil!" I said, thinking back to the moments of Kil. Aizawa let out a small smile as we made a small conversation.

We stayed in there for what felt like only a few minutes in there with the cats before a worker told us that our orders were ready and the cat section was closed. I picked up the black cat off my lap and stood up. Aizawa had to take about a dozen cats off of him before he could move. We went downstairs and sat at our table with our food prepared. I ordered a hot chocolate with a sugar cookie while Aizawa ordered an espresso. We began to eat and conversate.

"So, I hear how great of a hero you've been. I saw you put Sonic Speed behind bars." Aizawa said, drinking his coffee."Yeah. You have ZERO clue how many voice related quirks there are. And they decide to come to my district most of the time. I mean a quirk that makes your agility go up by how fast you rap?? Against a practical mermaid??" I said, going off into a rant about my job. Aizawa just sat listening, nodding and humming every once in a while to show he was still listening.

"So how about you? What's ol' Eraser doing right now?" I asked him, wondering how he has been. "We just started the school year. As you know, All Might is working with us. We just enrolled students, and I just got my class." He told me. "Really?? Anyone you think might be a good future mermaid or merman for my squad?" I asked him biting into my cookie. "Hmm.. There is one who is named Shinso Hitoshi. He has a brain wash quirk, but he's not in my class. You might see him in the upcoming Sports Festival."

We continued to talk about UA and our hero jobs. It was actually pretty fun!! Once we finished our food, I pulled out my wallet to pay, but I literally blinked, and Aizawa already paid for us. "You know I could've paid. I don't mind, " I told him. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I will this time." We walked out of the cafe. "Shall I walk you home?" Aizawa asked. I nodded, and we began walking to my apartment.

On the way back to Y/N's apartment

How did it get so cold? And so fast. I'm freaking shivering.. Aizawa must've noticed my shivering cause he asked me "Y/N do you not have a jacket? Why didn't you bring one?"


I was about to head out when I looked at Kil to see what he was doing. He was playing with my jacket. "Aww, that is literally so cute. You can keep playing with it, but I swear on All Might if you damage it, Kil, we are going to war, " I warned him. He meowed what I think was an okay, and I left.

*End of Flashback*

"Well, long story short, my cat has it." I said a tiny bit embarrassed. Aizawa pulled the jacket around his waist that he was wearing around me. I slipped my arms through the sleeves, which were slightly longer than my arms. "Hey, thanks!" I said with a smile. He nodded, and we continued walking. I put my hands in the pockets, and before I even noticed, Aizawa put his hand in the jacket pocket with mine. "Hehe.. Sneaky~" I said, smirking at him. "I have no idea what you're talking about." he said with a smug look

Soon, we arrived at my apartment door. "It was a fun date, Aizawa! I'll see you!" I told him as I went inside. I saw Kil napping with my jacket, and I immediately thought I forgot to give back Aizawa's jacket.. I sighed and stuffed my hands in the pockets and felt something in one of the pockets. Hmm? A piece of paper.. "You can give me back the jacket at our next date. 372 737 4323"

"Next date... NEXT DATE?! YAYAYAYAYAY!!! OMG, I LITERALLY CANT BELIEVE IT!! I GOTTA CALL MIC!!!" I said, totally not excited at the thought of another date with Aizawa.

Hey hey hey! It's me again! Just want to let you guys know that the number is fake lolol. And that I will see you guys at Part 3!

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