Part 7: I'll help you any way I can

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It was supposed to be okay.. it was a normal field trip.. Why wasn't I there..? It should have been me. It's all my fault.. I-.. I felt hot tears run down my face. It was hard to breathe. I couldn't believe what I heard. Why am I here... This is all my fault.. All my fault. Why wasn't I there at all..? Why why why....-

"SYREN!! Boss are you okay!? Talk to me, okay??" I heard a voice say. I look up and my oldest member, Tenko Marishiba, was looking at me with a worried expression. Somoro was right behind me with a hand on my shoulder. "What happened on that phone call??" Tenko said with a frown. "What... Happened just now..?" I asked confused.

Somoro let me go. "You told us to leave because of reasons we did not get. We heard a loud noise, so we came back in and saw you crying like a baby." He said to me. "Interceder!! Be a little more sensitive! Boss, is clearly upset!" Tenko said mad at the way Somoro was acting.

Phone call.. Loud noise...

Oh now I remember...

Flashback to earlier that morning

It had been a while since Aizawa and I started dating. 47 days to be exact. At least from that kiss. Ahh, the kiss~.. I was thinking of that night, when I got a call.

My Mermaid: Hey hey! This is Syren!
KittyTamer: Good morning, Y/N.
My Mermaid: Oh hey there, Shota!! What are you doing right now?
KittyTamer: Remember that field trip I told you my class was taking? I'm on the bus for it now.
My Mermaid: Oh you mean that USJ trip with Thirteen?? Great!! Make sure you stay safe!
KittyTamer: It's Just a field Trip, but alright. Hey, do you think you'd be able to come with us? I mean you did field work in the elements.
My Mermaid: As amazing as another work date sounds, I can't. I'm supposed to be studying this villain guy. I'm sorry
KittyTamer: You have nothing to be sorry for. How about we go out to eat tomorrow then?
My Mermaid: Sounds perfect!! I gotta go though, I'll talk to you later!
KittyTamer: Alright, we're heading down a dead spot anyways. Bye, I Love you.
My Mermaid: Buh bye! Love you too~

He hung up and I went back to work. I'm supposed to be scouting for places that may have villains lurking around. Like hideouts. Ugh, it's much more work since All Might is working at UA with Shota. I mean Endeavor and Hawks and the other heroes help out. And All Might still does a bit of hero work.

I called Somoro and Tenko to my work. Tenko. She was my first to join. Her hero name is Dolphina. Like a dolphin, she can communicate with Echolocation, swim well, and all the qualities dolphins have. Though unlike most of her family as I've seen, she doesn't have any dolphin looks until she goes into the water.

"Interceder. I need you to check the Cove Files. Search for the locations of all the battles where the villains got away took place." I ordered him. He nodded and went to the computers wall of my office. "Dolphina, search in my library for key words like hideout, secret, lair." I told her pointing to the wall that had an array of books. "Yes, Syren." She said bowing and running to the library wall.

We were working and searching in that office for about an hour when Somoro spoke for me. "Time for patrol." He said with turning looking at his watch. "We'll continue after. Interceder, stay and study. Dolphina, you come with me to patrol my area. We'll get someone else to come on the way." I said to her. We ran out the room and outside to patrol the area.

Timeskip to when Y/N got back

I walk back to Coral Cove after about 2 and a half hours or so. I walked into my office and sat at my desk. I opened my phone and got 8 messages and 3 missed calls all from "Ear Breaker". Mic..? What's his problem?? I looked at the messages.

EarBreaker: Y/N
You must be on patrol. It's about Eraser..

As I read that last message, I quickly called Shota. It rung for a while and went to voicemail after a while. "Interceder, Dolphina. Leave for a while.." I said worrying. No no no, don't think the worse everything is fine. It's all fine it's okay it's okay. He is okay.

I called Mic and he immediately answered.

SyrenHead: I was on patrol, I'm sorry what's going on?? What's happened with Shota??
EarBreaker: Okay, so villains attacked the USJ. Of course, Eraser had to protect the kids.. And he.. is injured really badly. I'm sure he'll live but he was hurt terribly.. I'm so sorry Y/N.- Ah- I have to go, we'll talk soon okay..?

Mic hung up and I dropped my phone in shock. He's hurt... Some stupid villains got to him... I felt tears building up. It could've been me... If only I didn't have to work... I could've been there...

Flashback to present time

Oh yeah.. I remember now .. I feel as if I couldn't work anymore the rest of the day. I told Somoro and Tenko to take care of things for until I return. I left and went straight home. I ran into my room and jumped on my bed. I buried my head into my pillow. I heard little feet tramp into my room and onto my bed. I look up from my pillow and there was Kil, right on time.

He meowed at me and snuggled next to me. "Don't worry Kil, I'm fine. I just can't help but feel responsible. He asked me to come and maybe if I did, I'd be hurt instead of him. I know it's not my fault, but I feel so guilty and angry at those stupid villains who hurt him. I even saw on my phone Thirteen was hurt.." I said feeling down.

"How am I even supposed to talk to him?? I- I don't think I could even look at him, much less talk to him!! I'd just feel so guilty.. I dunno, maybe I am being over dramatic or something.. I just miss Shota is all." I said petting Kil's ears. He meowed in what I think was agreement with me. I got comfy on my bed and soon fell asleep, with Kil under my arm.

Timeskip to when Y/N woke up

I blink my eyes open and carefully moved off the bed when I noticed Kil asleep by my arm. I opened my phone to see I had 2 missed calls from Ear Breaker and 7 messages from him too. It was 11:04pm when I looked too. Jesus Christ- I took a cat nap- I decided to message back Mic when I fully woke myself up.

EarBreaker: Y/N!!!
SyrenHead: ✨
EarBreaker: How are you, bestie?? You okay with Eraser and all??
SyrenHead: Yeah I'm okay, I just had to take a break is all lol
EarBreaker: Okayyy GLAD YOU ARE MENTALLY STABLE 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Hey How would you like to help against those villains in honor of Aizawa?
SyrenHead: What do you mean..?
EarBreaker: If you saw the news the bad guys had this monster thing that totally almost won if not for All Might!!
SyrenHead: Whats that gotta do with me?
EarBreaker: We can't talk to it, but with your quirk, you can control it!!
SyrenHead: Not necessarily.
My quirk only works on Humans and I dont necessarily control them.
I possess them. And they have to have to be human.
EarBreaker: Its practically monster but police say its Huma
SyrenHead: Then I'll do the best I can to help 😜
EarBreaker: Let's talk tomorrow at the police station 🕺 Go to sleep 🤪
SyrenHead: It's a date
Talk to you later ✌️😎

After that I turned off my phone for the night and laid my phone down where I had it. I relaxed on my pillow and faced my ceiling.

Aizawa, don't worry. You are not in pain for no reason. I'll help you any way I can...

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