Teen!PalletShipping: Soda

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Ash and Gary were sitting outside a Pokémon center waiting for their Pokémon to get healed up. Ash had come back to Kanto after traveling for a while and found out that Gary was a Gym Leader, so they decided to have a battle.

Ash won, surprisingly. Unfortunately, he didn't get a gym badge but Gary did get him a can of soda in lieu of one.

'Guess Gary got a bit nicer...'

"What are you staring for? Don't you know that's rude?"

Or maybe not...wait, he was staring? "I was just wondering why you gave me a soda...it's just odd, that's all."

"W-Well...because you deserved something after beating a gym leader, and you already won a badge for this gym, so..." Gary felt his face getting warmer as he continued rambling out excuses.

Ash tilted his head, confused. "So you wanted to give me a soda because you liked me but didn't know how to say it?"

Gary froze. When did he say that?

"Well at least you don't hate me anymore." Ash took a drink of his soda.

'He doesn't understand, does he?'

Written on: July 9, 2022

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