Chapter 2

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                                                                  Bugs' POV:

I'm on a stage chained up with the 5 colourful aliens that tied me up. Everyone in Tune Town were in the crowd except for Y/n. Daffy walked in wearing a shower cap and a towel. "Thtop the muthic. Top duck coming through." He said as he pushed through the crowd. "Jeethz. Its getting stho a guy can get himthelf wet around here. Stho, what's the big emergenthy?" 

The crowd looked at me. "Uh, these little guys would like to make an announcement. Here you go shorty." I said as I tipped the microphone down to the orange alien. 

"All right, all right." He cleared his throat. "You, all of you, are now our prisoners." He smiled with all his pointed teeth on display. The crowd was silent. 

"HAHAHHAHHAA" Everyone teared up in fits of laughter. I heard someone jokingly say "We're in big trouble now." 

The smallest pink alien took the mic angrily and said "We are taking you to our theme park in outer space, where you will be our slaves and be placed on display for the amusement of our paying customers." Daffy looked unphased. "Oh fear clutheths my breasths."

Everyone burst out laughing again. This time it was harder than before. Three of the aliens left the theatre. 

They came back dragging Y/n. They placed her on the stage about 3 metres away from me. They looked to the crowd unamused. "What?" She said coldly. They then turned their head to me. "See somethin funny?" I chuckled. "Yeah, your face." Y/n looked like she was about to strangle me. Lucky for me she was practically frozen.

"If you don't cooperate like this bunny right here, we'll freeze you, stuff you, and put you on display. Good thing we are letting her slide this time but if any of you don't listen, you're done."

"We ain't goin nowheres" Exclaimed Yosemite Sam with two of his guns pointed towards the orange alien. The alien quickly whipped out a weird looking gun and shot it. Sam shrunk to the size of one of the monsters. His beard, and clothes except for his underwear has been burnt off.

Everyone's hands went up above their heads.

"Eh, not so fast doc." I started. "You can't just turn us into slaves. That would be bad." I straightened out my ears as I started up again. "You've got to give us a chance to defend ourselves." I smirked.

"Oh yeah? Says who?" Retorted the leader. "Just a sec." I turned my back to them as I picked up a 'How to Draw Cartoon Characters' Book. I scribbled over the cover to make it say 'How to Capture Cartoon Characters.' Next I got out a sheet of paper and wrote down 'Give them a chance to defend themselves.'  I turned back around and showed them the book. "There. Read them and weep boys." I told them. They took it and scanned the book. 

"Give them a chance to defend themselves." They all read aloud. "Aw. Do we have to?" The green guy complained. "It's in the rulebook" The pink one reasoned. The blue one confirmed "Ok. It is in the rulebook."

"Uno momento"  I zoomed off the stage, into the backroom and popped my head back in. "We have to confer."

                                                                 General POV:

Bugs marched in front of the United States flag wearing an army uniform saying. "All right, troups. It is for us to choose a battlefield that affords us.."

"Oh I uh g-g-got it." Porky exclaimed.

"Yes Private Porkster?" Bugs questioned half seriously. Clank. Bugs' hat fell below his eyes. 

"How about we ch-challenge them to a b-b-b-b a spelling bee?" Porky suggested with a small smile. Elmer Fudd instead replied with. "Say.. we could have a bowling tournament." He laughed while looking at Porky.

"Suffering succotash. What's wrong with all of you? I say we get a ladder.. wait til the old lady's out of the room, then grab that little bird." Exclaimed Sylvester, as he drooled over an invisible Tweety in his hands.

"Whoa, whoa, take a deep breath sly." Bugs said as he patted Sylvester on the back. Sly shook the image out of his head. "Ok let's analyze the competition." Bugs suggested. He reached up and pulled down a chalkboard with drawings of the aliens on it. "Now uh, what are we looking at here? We got a small race of invading aliens." 

Daffy said "Thmall armths. Short legths." Shrinking his arms and legs smaller as he explained the characteristics. "Not vewy fast" Elmer Fudd mused while rubbing his chin. "Tiny little guyth." Sylvester spat at Elmer and Daffy. "Can't jump high" Replied Porky.

They all looked at one another slyly.

"We challenge you to a basketball game." Bugs told the aliens as he spun a basketball on his pointer finger. 

"Alright. Basketball it is." Answered the orange guy.



"Oh boy, oh boy"


The blue one looked confused. "What is basketball?" It asked.

"What's that?"

"Beats me"

"We didn't have that in school."


                                                        Y/n's POV:

I'm still on the stage. The paralysis has worn off and I'm sitting on the edge on the stage.  I hear Bugs tell the aliens something about playing a basketball game. 

God, basketball is great. I love basketball. I've played it since Kindergarten. I would play with Lola Bunny. We'd go out for lunch and bring a basketball so we could practice together on break and we would sometimes play a game with some of our classmates. Speaking of her, I haven't seen her in a long time.

Someone called out for the lights to be turned off because a film about basketball was being played on the big screen. I went to turn around to watch the film when Bugs came over and dragged me over to sit in the front row. "Dude I was fine where I was." I tell him. "Yeah I know. I just wanted to sit next to you."He said. "Well you could have just sat next to me you know." I reminded him. "Yeah but where's the fun in not dragging you from a comfortable spot?" He retorted with a stupid grin on his face.

"You're such an idiot." I say to him. "Yeah but I'm your idiot." I shoved him over rolling my eyes. "Yeah right." I reply blushing. I'm so thankful it's dark right now or else he would see my flushed face. 

"An exhilarating team sport currently growing rapidly in popularity is basketball. Unlike football and baseball, only five men can play on a team. It's a fast paced, razzle-dazzle game that requires quick wits and even faster reflexes. Here's how it's done in the professional ranks, the National Basketball Association, featuring the best players in the world."

Watching that film I could've fallen asleep. It was so boring. My head began to droop onto Bugs shoulder but the lights turned back on and I jolted awake. Fuck. I almost fell asleep on Bugs Bunny. 

"Uh sorry." I say to him hiding my face in embarrassment. "Heh? What are you sorry for doc?" I groan. "You know. For basically using your shoulder as a head rest." His eyes widened as he remembered. "Oh yeah, Dats no problem. You can do it again sometime if you'd like." He answered raising his eyebrows up and down. I scoffed. "You are so impossible sometimes."

"Ok first things first. We need to get together a team." I said to Bugs. "Alright. Let's get to it then."

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