Chapter 5

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                                                                 Y/n's POV:

Everybody was in the gym for basketball. I was going to practice some shots but the court was blocked with Tunes. There was me Bugs and Elmer Fudd doing a 1v1v1 but everyone else was a whole other story. There were guns shooting, Foghorn was beating Barnyard Dawg with a piece of wood, Tasmanian Devil was just spinning around, and Wile E. Coyote was rolled up in a poster.

Michael shook his head disappointedly. "Has anyone here ever played basketball?"

"Uhm, I have" A slim brown bunny called out. She was gorgeous. "I'd like to try out for the team"

Bugs looked at her. "Hey"

"Hi. My name is Lola Bunny."

"Lola?" Me and Bugs asked at the same time.

"He he he. Yes." She giggled.

"Oh my god Lola!" She looked at me.



"Oh my gosh, it's been years since I've seen you." She said.

"It has. You look beautiful." I complimented.

"Gee, thanks" She answered, rubbing the back of her neck.

"You wanna play a little one-on-one?" I asked.

"On the court, Y/n" She replied, smirking. "Sure"

I looked at Bugs and put my hands up, motioning him to give me the ball he was holding. He stared back before realizing what I meant. He passed the ball and hid his face in his ears.

"Ooh. She's hot" I heard Tweety say to Michael as he sizzled his pointer finger on his tail-feathers"

We walked to the half court and I gave her the ball. "Ready?" She questioned. "Yep" I told her half heartedly. I was nervous. She was always the best on the team no matter how hard I tried. "Ok, let's go" Was all I could say before she darted past me, dribbling the ball.

I ran to catch up with her. She took two steps, getting ready to make a lay-up. She brought the ball up, almost hitting the backboard before I hit it down, grabbing the ball and taking possession.

I dribbled up the court maneuvering around Lola. I got a few feet away from the basket. I was getting ready to shoot and the ball was taken out of my grasp. We both ran back up the court repeating this process for a while.

Lola had the ball at half court and was passing the ball in and out under her legs. I tried to swat at the ball but she turned around me causing me to spin into a knot, allowing her to go up to the net and slam dunk the ball.

"The girls' got some skills" Michael said under his breath.

My head was spinning as birds spun my head making a halo. Bugs walked over and helped me up. I leaned on his shoulder to catch my balance. I saw Lola leaving the gym. She yelled out "Hey, nice playing with ya"

"Yeah you too" I breathed out.

I looked up at the bunny I was leaning on and smiled. "What?" He asked? "Oh nothing" I teased. "I will drop you on the floor right now." He threatened. "Nah."

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't" He told me.


"Because why?"

"Because you love me too much" I replied. Bugs' face showed a shocked expression. "I-"

"Leaving the good ol' Bugs Bunny speechless? I must be dreaming" I joked and went to sit on the bleachers.

Bugs Bunny x Reader Space JamWhere stories live. Discover now