Chapter 6

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                                               Bugs POV:6

"We have found the trophy room." Y/n announced.

"Now spread out and search the place." I told the two. "Yes, sahib." Daffy added snarkily, still salty from our earlier argument. "Oh, brother" He exclaimed starting to look in one of the drawers.

"Here I am, in the peak of my form playing second banana.."

"Yap, yap, yap" I interrupted. 

"To some sort of harebrain." He finished.

I looked across the room and saw a North Carolina gym bag. "Hmm, this could be useful. Aha." I said as I pulled it off the table and onto the floor. 

"If this were a union job, I.." Daffy pulled out a shirt from the drawer he was going through. "That's very nice" He complimented.

Y/n was looking on the sides of the room and stopped at an end table with a shoe on it.

"Oh. One of his shoes" They said. "Put it in here" I said, tossing her the bag that was once on the floor, into her soft paws.

She put the shoe in the gym bag and zippered it up. "Where is that other shoe?" They questioned.

"Where aree youuu?" I called out to the shoe as if it would answer me. 

I looked up at the wall where lots of trophies were displayed and then above the fireplace. As if distiny it was destiny, the shoe stood there staring at me gleaming.

I went to one of the tables in the room and dragged a chair that was standing by it. I pulled it so that it was almost right under the shoe.  "Come to papa" I coaxed.

I climbed onto the fireplace and knocked one of the smaller trophies off the mantle. 


"What a fuzzfoot. You are stho clumthy." Daffy lectured me.

By this point I was up onto the mantle and able to grab the shoe. "Catch feather head" I told the duck, dropping the shoe into the bag in Daffy's hands.

"Thankths" He replied sarcastically.

I heard a door shut and turned my head towards the sound. " Was that you Y/n?" I asked the girl.

"Nope. Wasn't me." She replied.

"Welp. Time to go." I said quickly.

"Did we get everything?" The rabbit questioned.

And instantaneously all our eyes widened as we realized what we forgot.

"The shorts!" We yelled in unison.

Our heads turned to an old door on the other left side of the room. 

"In there?" I wondered out loud.

"Ok, I'll check" Daffy said 'bravely'

The duck turned the handle of the door to reveal a massive bulldog with a pair of gym shorts in his mouth. 

He shut the door quickly. "I found the shorts." He said dryly.

Right after he said that the door fell right onto him crushing him body as the dog stood on top of the door, making Daffy unable to get back up.

He tried to get up but the amount of weight compressing against him, caused him to only get a few words out before collapsing again. His two words were "The pain"

"I'm right behind you pal." Y/n said shuffling behind me, putting some room between them and the dog.

"Uh, thats none too reassuring" I told her.

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