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5th December Saturday

Minas POV

Living Room

"Mina can you get the door?".


I walked over to the door and opened it. My eyes widen.


Sana came running and hugged her.

"Come in".

Sana pulled Jihyo in.



The tall girl removed her hat.

"Thats me".

I smiled and hugged her.

"Surprise", she said wrapping her arms around me too.

"Mina let the girl in", mother said.

I quickly let go and pulled Tzuyu in.

"You must be Tzuyu, my daughter talks about you a lot", my mother said.

"Ah, nice to meet you Miss Myoui", she said bowing down to my mother.

"You very pretty".

"Oh thank you. You are to ma'am".

"Let's go to my bedroom".

~ time skip ~

Tzuyus POV

Minas Bedroom

"I didn't realize you'd be so tall".

"Im insecure about being tall...", I said.

"Why? I like it, It's like cuddling a teddy".

"A teddy?".


~ time skip ~

"Hey, you two".

We looked over at the door and saw her mother.

"Dinner is ready. Im sure you must be hungry from your long journey".

Minas POV

Dining Room

"This is better than Ji's", Tzuyu said.


She just smiled. Agio she's so cute.

"Tzuyu may I ask where your parents are?", mother asked.

"My parents? I dont know, I dont have any. I was brought up by Jihyo eonni and Nayeon and Nayeons older brother".

How interesting.

"Were so going got have kids", Sana said.


"I'm 25 you want a grandchild don't you".

Im actually adopted.

"You okay?".

I looked at Tzuyu.

"Yeah, I am fine".

"You sure?".


~ Huge time skip ~

Tzuyus POV

Minas Bedroom

"You really have a lot of penguins".

"I know I love penguins but ill be kind and remove some so I can cuddle you instead"



"Nothing you are just adorable".

"You're the baby here, your 22".

"I might be younger but your still a baby".

She pouted and just pulled me to the bed.

"Im really happy ji brought me along, I get to see you".


"Yeah your like my life now", I said.

"Dont say those words you know what's going to happen".

I hugged her.

"I want to take you out somewhere tomorrow is that okay?", I asked.


"Come here and cuddle me", I said.

She faced me and cuddle me.

"Im going to take you somewhere beautiful".

"Oh really?".

"Yes, you will love it".

Sorry for the late update I was busy revising for my mocks next week (:

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