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16th December Wednesday

Minas POV


"Morning Love", Tzuyu said.

"How comes your dressed?".

"Work, It's only for a little bit. You can call a friend over", she said.

"How long is only a little bit?", I asked.

"4 hours?".


She walked up to me.

"I'm not going to do anything bad don't worry. I'm not leaving to go see another woman. You have nothing to worry about", she said.

I hugged her tightly.

"I know but I still fear there's someone better".

"There is no one better. Abouseltly no one. I'll see you in 4 hours then we can do whatever you want to do afterwards", she said.

I looked at her.


"Yes, anything you desire, I'll make it happen", she said.

"Well I'd like to have Chinese for dinner. Then we play some videos games".

"Anything else you'd like Im going to pop to the shops too", she said.

"Chocolate? Maybe hot Chocolate to", I said.

"Okay, I'll come back as soon as I can", she said pecking my forehead then left.

~ Time Skip ~

Living Room

"Wheres your wife?", Sana asked sitting beside me.

"She is at work", I said.

"Work still? She should be here".

"No we need money. Remember Im retired. All of this is just going to be for some time...".


"I won't have Tzuyu forever. I didn't even know how she'll be after it. Sometimes I regret letting myself get too close to her but then, I love her, and I can't stop what I feel".

"We are going to look after her I promise that", she said holding my hand.


"Of course".

"Everything is going to be fine when it happens. Well not fine but you know what I mean", she said.

I laid my head on her shoulder.

"I just wished I could be with Tzuyu forever, grow old, have children, go on holiday trips together".

~ Huge time skip ~

Tzuyus POV

Boss Office


"Yes, boss?".

"You can go now".

"But I still have an hour to go", I said confused.

"I know you want to be with your wife. Nayepn told me what's happening. Don't come into work for a while okay. Enjoy your last memories with her".

"Thank you, sir. Thank you so much", I said.

"No problem".

~ Time Skip ~

Living Room



I put the bag down on the Looks table. I will set dinner up then.

~ a few minutes later ~

Living Room

"You really brought Chinese for us?", she asked clinging on to my arm.

"Yes, I did".

She smiled.

"Thank you".

"Agio let's enjoy this delicious meal while watching your favourite movie".


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