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6th December Sunday

Tzuyus POV


I found Mina in the kitchen cooking.

"This smells nice", I said wrapped my arms around her waist resting my head on her shoulder.

"You scared me".


"So what are you cooking?", I questioned her as she flipped something on the pan.

"Homemade pancakes", she responded in her soft quiet voice.

"You can make your own pancakes?", I asked shocked.

"Dont tell me you dont even know how to make a pancake", she said.

"The only thing I've tried to cook is a cake and that went terribly wrong", I said.

"I'm going to teach you to cook someday", she said.

"Starting with?", I asked.

"Very easy one lasagne".

"That is not easy the pasty breaks an---".

"You're making your own pasta", she said.

"My own pasta? What? How?".

"You'll see when I show you someday", she said.

"Mhm okay".

~ time skip ~

Living Room

"I want homemade pancakes every day".

"It's not healthy for you", jihyo said.

I pouted.

"Agio, you said you wanted to take me out somewhere so where do you want us to go?", she asked.

"That is a secret but let's get dressed", I said.


Minas POV


The place was beautiful like it was straight out of a fairytale. It felt like we're in a whole new world.

"So why exactly here? And why are we out?", I asked.

"Because it's beautiful", she said holding my hands.

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