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Bakugou woke up at exactly 5:30am every morning getting ready for his morning run. Today wasn't any different..well that what he though. He got up got dressed in a tank top and baggy track pants, brushed his teeth and face then going down to make his protein shake before leaving.

He was on his third lap around the park before stopping in front of a little girl wondering the park herself.

Bakugou pov-

The fuck is she doing here? I look down at my watch '6:00', isn't it to early for her to by herself? "Hey kid!" i yell out, the girl looks at me and points to her chest "Yeah you..c'mere" she looks terrified but still walks towards me "y-yes sir?"

"The fu-..I mean..The hell you doing here so early?" she looks at me and back down "Oh um- I'm waiting for my mummy" "yeah were is she?" she then points to a small bakery across the road. "if she's there why are you here?" "um- she told me to wait a couple minutes..I'm to scared to cross the road my own though"

I sigh to my self and held out my hand "Here i'll cross the road with you" she looks at me and starts to shuffle "kid I'm not going to kidnap you if thats what your thinking" that seemed to get her closer enough to hold my hand. Once she touched me her hand glowed a light pink but she didn't seem to notice so i just brushed it of

Once I crossed the road I opened the door to the Bakery to se a young women talking to the man on the counter "Mummy!" the women turned and crouched down and held out her hands. The girl ran to her and hugged her "Ayako how'd you get here?" she pointed at me and said "the kind sir helped me cross the road!" she looked u at me and smiled softly "thank you sir!" "yeah no problem"

I started walking out "wait sir!" the women stoped me "yes?" "by any chance, did she glow when she touched you?" "yes?..Is there something wrong with that?" she looks at me and nervously chuckles "well uh..she might of accidentally used her quirk on you" "WHAT" I start thinking of all the bad things that could possibly happen to me "Sir wait- before you panic it's nothing bad! The quirk would only last for a day, 24 hours to be exact."

I calm down a little before asking hesitantly "what..what's the quirk?" she looks up "Neko- basically you'll just be a Neko for a day it's nothing to worry about, but i would recommend seeing a doctor just so you could get the side effects!" 'sigh ' A NEKO?? WHAT THE FUCK..I would rather switch bodies with the nerd then be a fucking Neko. "Alright thanks for letting me know..have a nice day" "Bye Sir- Oh and thanks again and i'm terribly sorry for the trouble!" "No it's all good"

3rd pov-

"Alright class quieten down" Aizawa came rolling in, in his sleeping bag "You might have noticed that Bakugou isn't here." The class turned to Bakugou's seat all confused "Kacchan?..But- he never misses school whatever the occasion!" Aizawa groans, "Yes Midoriya he didn't miss school his in recovery girls office.

The class instantly starts panicking "Bakubro?!?! what happened Aizawa-Sensai?" Kirishima tries to keep his voice calm. "Sir if you don't mind me asking what happened to Bakugou?" Iida starts doing his hand movements.

"Alright quieten down!" Aizawa raises his voice and the class immediately falls into silence. "Bakugou has just been hit by a simple quirk nothing harmless if that what your worried about" The class instantly calmed down in relief.

"Sensai, is it possible if we could pay Blasty a visit?" " 'sigh ' Yes Mina you could all go, but i just wanted to let you know that the quirk has side affects that makes him act a tad bit..different?" "Hai Sensai, Thanks for letting us know" "whatever problem children..well hurry up and go!" The class scurry out rushing to Recovery girls office.

Deku pov-

I carefully open the door not knowing what to expect, we all anxiously look around. Iida walks up to recovery girl and asks "Hello Recovery Girl, we have come to visit our classmate Bakugou" she looks up "Ah yes young Bakugou." she points over at a bed that has a little lump underneath. "right there, just be careful alright his a little sensitive right now"

I walk over to the bed and carefully shake the trembling body "K-kachan?" two pair of blondish gold ears perk up. I look up and notice everyone with widened eyes "deku?" a soft voice spoke up "Yeah it's me..are you ok?" Kacchan then perks up and we all stare at him. He looks ADORABLE, he had such and innocent look. 'awwws ' could be heard and they all instantly start cooing at kacchan. 'achoo ' Kacchan then sneezes like a kitten which makes me literally die inside!!

"Kacchan come on let go back to the dorms!" "Mm-hm" he slides off the bed and does grabby hands "up up?" I smile softly and pick him up, Kacchan looks exactly like a baby. His so short his like (4'4") and kacchan is already short in his proper self so it's really cute!

Once we get to the dorms i carefully put Kacchan down on the couch, i look at him at he starts sucking his thumb whilst playing with loose stings on his oversized school uniform.

Kacchan then looks around and frown "stwop looking extrwa's" ..SO CUTE!


Words: 937


this was in my drafts-

Blxstii out~

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