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Requested by- Drumroll please.. @Kayjay45 :)

so I should mention that Deku is like an older brother for bakugou so he and the rest of the class always baby him

Bakugou: 4'10


1-A: 5'6+


3rd POV-

The class were lounging in the common area- well except for Bakugou he was in his room doing his own thing. It was all quiet when Mina spoke up "hey Midobae..just wondering, how did Bakubabe act when you guys were kids?"

this go the attention of most people, then Kirishima continued "Yeah Midobro, was he always this aggressive orrr..." The red head trailed of looking at Deku. The broccoli haired boy put him phone down.

"Actually no! Hey believe it or not it was really the other way around, i was the aggressive one..all angry and moody whilst he was the soft one, as in quiet, shy and kind" This got all the peers looking at him like his lost his mind, "What no way, thats not our Kacchan" The electric user commented (Denki).

Deku gave a quick glare at Kaminari for using the nickname, he then resumed "yeah-no its true! well one thing he still does when he was little was being super clingy, he would never let me go when he was little!" 

"No way I want to see Bakugou being all clingy and soft!" spoke up Sero earning lots of nods and 'yeah's '.  Deku got up "Let's go see what his doing now" mainly the Bakusquad and Dekusquad went up to the fourth floor to go check on the class 'baby '  

Deku POV-

When we got to Kacchan's room a knocked softly waiting for a couple seconds, I figured he was asleep seeing as it was already '9:05 ' past his bedtime, he hates when I call it bedtime though he prefers sleeping schedule..but it's true when his just a minute past his sleep schedule his gets all soft and tired and it's near impossible to get him out of bed the next morning.

I take out the spare key-card Aizawa sensai gave to me, he wanted me to check up on Kacchan to make sure he was alright. I quickly scan the card an slowly opened the door, i turned on the light to be met with a small figure curled on the bed snuggling with a little worn out teddy-bear, and with the blanket half covering him. 

He looked so small in that position it just makes me wanna go and scoop him into my arms. "no way.." Mina said in disbelief slowly creeping towards bakugou as to not make any sound. 


Last night when the class left Bakugou's room Deku started telling them that if they really wanted to see this version of 'Kacchan ' they'd have to see him early in the morning..so thats what they did. They made sure to set his alarm clock to ring at 5:30am. Everyone was already up, some - Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, Mina - were complaining on how early they woke up.

It was all loud until they heard the elevator 'ding ' "Uraraka quick whats the time?" Mina asked, "Uh, Uhm.. 5:36!" stuttered out the brunette, "you think it's baku?" questioned Mina "well..i guess yeah, Kacchan would always wake up to his alarm, no matter the time!"

The doors to the elevator opened to reveille a very tiered, very cute Bakugou!! He was cuddled up with his teddy-bear stuffy with an oversized hoodie that went halfway past his thighs, instead of his bed head being all spiky and explosive it looked really, really soft and super curly!

When bakugou came out of the elevator he went straight to Deku hugged his waist as thats where he was up to compared to him :').

Bakugou- "*whisper * morning Izu"

Deku smiles and ruffles his hair, Bakugou lets go of  Deku and looks up to see his classmates staring down at him "u-uhm morning.." He whispers quietly looking down shuffling his feat. "EEEK OMG BAKUGOU-KUN YOUR ADORABLE!!" shrieks out the anti-gravity user.

Bakugou's face imminently turns red, he takes out his small hand hiding under the hem of his hoodie and instantly bring them up to his face covering himself from the crowd "*embarrassed * T-thank you" 

Deku kneels down to the shortie's height and gently remove his hands from his face. He then pulls him into a hug and kisses his cheek.

Deku- "Hey baby how you doing?" 

Bakugou- "I'm ok.."   


Words: 724


My Dumbass really spelt elevator as 'elivatour

But we all know Auto-correct's got my back =>

I kinda rushed the ending tho.. but i'll make it up in some other chapter..i promise :]

Blxstii out~ 

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