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chapter two [ together ]

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chapter two
[ together ]

it seemed like a normal day. the sun shined down through the drapes, blinding hopper as he groaned.

he sat up and looked around. the place was a dump.

hopper then did the usual, shower, brush teeth, taking pills with the help of some random can of beer and blowing out the smoke from his cigarette.

he changed into his uniform and grabbed his gun and keys ready to leave for work but that's when he noticed, how quiet it was.

"melissa?" he called, walking back into the house and closing the door behind him, waiting for a response.


"melissa?! listen kid i know i promised to come pick you up from mikes but i-" he stopped when melissas room was empty. the bed was still made.

"kid come on time for school. you're going to be late." he frantically looked around the house, stepping on old beer cans, "melissa!"

"maybe she's at the wheelers." hop said to himself, trying not to panic, "yeah she probably is."


melissa woke up, gasping for air, trying to calm down her breathing which she did finally. she coughed and groaned, her head throbbing as she sat up.

she felt a burning sensation in the back of her throat. "shit." mel mumbled and she bent over but nothing came out.

nope never mind here it comes.

what was so strange is the liquid was white.
weird, she thought.

she coughed again, clearing her throat.

then she noticed. she wasn't on her front porch anymore, she wasn't even in hawkins or was it hawkins.

she was somewhere else.



and scary.

melissa stood up, balancing herself with the help of a tree which had this slimy stuff on it.

"yuck!" she squeaked, flopping her hand around like a fish, trying to get the slime off.

instead, she just rubbed it onto her jacket which was also covered in the slime. so was everything else. her hair, skin, dress, shoes.

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