Chapter 8-Cookies 💧💖

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The speaker announced the next game.. (CHAPTER 8)

//eek its finally here!//

Y/n pov:

"You may now head to the next game." I followed everyone else. We were brought out to a playground type room. There were 4 doors and you had to choose one. A circle, a triangle, a square, and a umbrella. It was hard shooting between the simple shapes so I chose the umbrella. I was just kinda quirky like that 💅.

The rules were that whatever cookie you chose, you had to cut it out. But if you broke the cookie you would be eliminated. I went pale. It was that moment that I realized to never be quirky in a killing game. As I slowly opened my tin I saw the needle. As I started cutting the cookie, a guard stood watching me. I cut it trying to pretend they wearnt there.

As I was almost finished with my cookie.. -SNAP- The cookie had cracked. I didn't bother the look up, I just sat there trembling. I tightly closed my eyes waiting for this nightmare to end. As I was all wrapped up in my thoughts I heard a startling noise. -click- I felt a tap on my shoulder as I opened my eyes and looked down. The original tin was gone, and replaced with a new tin.

Inside was a triangle cookie. The guard slowly walked away as another one appeared. "You haven't even started?" He asked quietly. "N-no." I shuttered. He scoffed. "Hurry up 69." He said annoyed. I tried cutting the cookie but I was too nervous I would break it again. The guard looked away for a moment. In that brief moment of time I felt something slide next to my leg.

I quickly pick it up to examine it. It was a lighter. I quickly look around to see 212 following a guard out. She smiled at me, then signaled for 101 to get his lighter too. I knew that crazy bitch had my back :). I quickly lit up my pin and started to cut the cookie. I hit the lighter under the lid. A few moments later I was done. It was 5 minutes until time was up. I looked around to see a guy start to lick his cookie. 'Weird' I thought.

As I was led back to the room I felt a hug from behind. "Hey! I see you used that big brain of yours." 212 exclaimed. She walked me back to all the guys. When we got there she plopped down on the floor. She pulled me down to sit with her. I fell to her side as she laughed. I giggled and handed back her lighter. She thanked me and everyone started talking.

As time passed by I saw 001 and 456 both walk in. I wave at them with a grin and 001 waves back. 456 looked back with a suspicious and confused face. They kept walking as I turned back to talk with everyone else. It got boring so I got up. I noticed that there was one circle standing against the wall. "Where are you going?" 101 asked. "I'm gonna go annoy the guards." I replied. "You have them all wrapped around your finger, huh." 212 laughed. I giggled nervously and said she could come with. She quickly got up, grabbing my hand to go disturb the guards.

She stood there staring at the guards. I decided to break the silence., "Whats your favorite color." I asked one of them. He didn't respond. 212 tugged on the guards pants. "I bet it's pink." She snickered. The guard sighed but stayed silent. "Why do you wear those ugly outfits." 213 asked. I thought they were kinda cute but ok. I decided to start poking the guards leg.

212 joined too and the guard tried to kick us off. I accidently poked the guard too hard and he almost fell over. "WHAT DO YOU WANT." He whisper-yelled. "Whats your favorite color?" 212 asked. I tried to hold in my laugh as best I could. "Jesus Christ..It's blue, ok?" The guard finally awnsered. Me and 212 high-fived each other.

"Yknow that's my favorite color too.~" 212 winked. Was she flirting? Oh this I had to watch. I stood there watching this unroll. "So cool." He said annoyed. Oh my god this actually going nowhere and it's so funny. "Yeah.. what's your favorite kind of weather?" She smirked. "I don't know. I guess it's cool when it's raining." He said. She laughed "Me too! I love cold weather. I like when it's wet." She said in a seductive tone.

I gasped, and I almost choked on air. Was she trying to make the guard like her? I'm so confused. He mumbled something under his breath. She got up onto the stage. He started to walk towards her "Hey what are you doin-" He couldn't finish his sentence. "She pushed him against the wall. She was about average height and he was pretty tall so I was very interesting seeing him get so flustered.

"Whats the next game?" She winked. "It- its t-tug of war." She shyly looked away. "Ty cutie. Call me once I get out, k?" She smiled and hopped off the stage. As soon as she got off she run up to me with her normal energetic personality. "Did you see that? I was so cool!" She exclaimed. I nodded as I felt someone gently grab my waist.

//BTW: 34 is the main square, 7 is the triangle in the first game, and 289 is the guard from chapter 7//

I quickly turned around only to see that it was 34. I get flustered and my face gets hot. "Oooo my my who's that?~" she teased me. Looked over and saw 7 and 289 next to me. "Wow. You got all the hot guys." I covered my face embarrassed. "I didn't know you had friends y/n." 7 laughed. "Oh shut up." I scoffed.

"Oh before I forget, who's that?" I so pointing to the gaurd on the stage. "That's 107" 34 said. "107? You guys don't have names?" 212 asked. "Well we do, but they use special numbers." 7 said. I smiled. Then the lights dimmed and the piggy pank started filling "79 players were eliminated, meaning there's 7.9 billion won in total."

I realized something, something crucial. If the money is adding, that means the game is over..right? But as I look around.. I cant see Han-Gyeol anywhere. (TO BE CONTINUED)

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