1-4 - You traumatize people with ketchup and onions become your biggest enemy

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"So...you guys followed Yuu into the mirror...leaving your lives in Twisted Wonderland behind..." You trailed off.

"When you word it that way, heh..." Cater scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "That's...dumb." You squinted at them. I thought Trey and Cater were the smarter ones! You sighed.

"It may seem like a dumb thing we did to you, but when you truly love somebody, you'd be ready to do anything for them." Trey smiled softly, looking off into the distance. Did he just read my mind? You frowned, you wanted some privacy around here. "No, he didn't read your mind, Trey's always like that~" Cater told you, taking a picture of the macaroons you had bought to apologize to Trey for running into him.

To truly love somebody...how close did Yuu and the other boys get...? You wondered. Perhaps some had more of a platonic bond since Ace flirts so shamelessly with me sometimes! You huffed, your face getting slowly heated as you recalled that moment. I can only hope [favourite boy] only has a platonic bond with Yuu but I wouldn't hold it against them if it was anything else... You pouted.

ALTERNATIVE: If [favourite boy] is Trey or Cater

[Favourite boy] likes somebody else... You sighed. Well, it wasn't even like they knew you in the first place. They had just met you after all. You just should've got past your small fictional crush. But it's not just some fictional crush! You thought, suddenly flared up. You were probably being stupid. You calmed yourself and reasoned with yourself, you just had to sadly accept your fate.

It wasn't like you didn't have a chance with him though! You had a chance, you just had to respect their choice if they did decline you! Filled with new hope, you smiled.

Continuation of the story:

"Ne, Trey, can you do your thing~?" Cater turned to him innocently. Trey only sighed and smiled exasperatedly as he took out his magic pen. "Doodle Suit." He said as sparkles came out of his pen and onto the cupcake. "Thanks~" Cater gave him a closed-eyed smile as he enjoyed the new flavour of the cupcakes.

"Grim, you don't get any cupcakes for running into Trey. Apologize first." You strictly swatted Grim's paws away from the cupcakes. He frowned before muttering out a quick 'sorry' before turning up to you for confirmation. You nodded and he immediately swiped a cupcake and began eating it happily.

He was currently sitting in your lap as you sat at a picnic table a small distance away from the café and ice cream truck, so you could keep an eye on the ADeuce duo, sitting on a bench from further away. They had given you the ice cream before leaving to wander the park. You only requested they stay within your view. Deuce had agreed while Ace only rolled his eyes saying you were too worried.

You took a lick of [favourite flavour] ice cream. "[Your Name]~ do a pose!" Cater suddenly exclaimed, turning the phone to you and your ice cream. You smiled uncomfortably at the camera as he took a picture. "[Your Name], you look so stiff in these pictures, do you wanna do a retake?" He looked amused as he saw the picture. "Okay, yes, please." You quickly agreed. Cater had a decent following despite being a pretty new account. You could not let some bad photo of you get out to so many people.

"Um, what pose do you want me to do?" You asked. "Hm, do you mind if I help you~?" He got up from his chair.

"Sure." You shrugged. You trusted his advice. He wouldn't post a bad picture to his Jiffygram, he wasn't going to do anything to embarrass you.

"Okay, so just put your hand up here and..." Cater approached from behind leaned over your shoulder and began to move your hands into a pose. You tried your best to keep a blush from rising to your face.

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