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7th November

Hongjoong and Seonghwa sit in the living room of the SS house together, the TV on full blast in front of them. The two had decided to watch Hongjoong's favourite movie to have a small celebration for his eighteenth birthday, as Hongjoong didn't want any big celebration.

And honestly, lazing around like this is something the two enjoy quite a lot from time to time.

In the last five years, nothing huge happened. The two boys simply worked as usual, slowly getting more advanced tasks as they grew more skilled. They got to make plenty of connections with other big gangs, and to Seonghwa's shock, some politicians as well.

He grew to find out that there's way more corruption behind the scenes that he thought.

Amongst all of this, Hongjoong has been conducting regular searches for his sister. For some reason he can't find her anywhere, making him even more suspicious that she's moved to another country.

SS and MX have been having petty gang fights regularly, luckily nothing too big happening between them. Hoseok and Hyungwon have decided to stay quiet.

But none of these things have been too difficult for the two. What truly became an obstacle for them was school.

Jaehyun forced the two to get some home-school education. Only in May of this year have the boys finally completed their second level education, which proved to be a great hurdle. They were both much more suited for physical activity.

Ever since school has finished, lazing around became a precious hobby for the two of them. Of course their duties still hold priority to them, but they'll never miss their "school days".

Now, a horror movie plays in front of them both. No matter how much gore shows up, or how many jump scares, or how gruesome the image, neither of them flinch even once.

"We should make a horror movie and show these guys what it should really be like," Hongjoong utters while chewing his popcorn. Seonghwa glances at his friend's relaxed face with a giggle and shakes his head. "Every day is a horror movie for you, is that not enough?"

Hongjoong shoves more popcorn into his mouth and shrugs. "Scaring people is fun, don't act like you don't do it all the time," he playfully scolds. Seonghwa's cheeks heat up. Hongjoong is right, scaring people is entertaining but it's not like he does it intentionally. He still stays quiet as the climax of the movie begins.

As soon as it's over they stretch and Seonghwa sits up before his eyes flick to the door to the living room. "What should we do next? Should we buy nice food or something?" Hongjoong wonders out loud. Seonghwa smiles awkwardly but his eyes are still on the door.

"What are you-"

Hongjoong is interrupted when the door flies open. Jaehyun storms in, holding a small cake on a plate in his hands. "Happy birthday!" he exclaims while setting the cake and knife down. Hongjoong blinks blankly at the sight in front of him and he shares a glance with Seonghwa as Jaehyun struggles to place eighteen candles onto the cake and light them.

"Make a wish and cut the cake," he instructs, aware that Hongjoong has never done this before. The man always insisted every year, but Hongjoong never accepted it. So this time Seonghwa and Jaehyun decided to plan this as a surprise so Hongjoong can finally experience this at least once.

Hongjoong takes a look at his friend and the other man and raises his eyebrow. He could complain, or he could get this done and over with quickly. He closes his eyes and thinks of a wish.

"I wish that I can find my sister."

At last he blows out the candles, feeling ridiculous. The hairs on his arms rise when Seonghwa flicks the lights of the room on, before he and Jaehyun both start singing happy birthday to Hongjoong off key as he quickly cuts the cake. "You guys are so embarrassing," he sighs.

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