Author's Note

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Thank you for reading until the end of "Incarnadine"!

This story is one that I have a lot of memories and attatchment to. I have been writing this story since March of 2021 (and published since December 2021), but have been working on these characters for "Viridescence" since August 2020. Not a day went by where I didn't think about the characters or the story. This (nearly) two year long journey is finally coming to an end and I honestly feel so emotional about it ( ╥ω╥ )

As usual, I wanted to try something new with this story. Not only is this the longest story I've written (around 119,000 words?!?!) but it's also a dip into a new genre of sorts?

It felt nice to write about familial love rather than romance this time around for a change. On top of that, it was interesting to write about the antagonists facing a bad ending rather than focusing on the protagonists finding justice. It was interesting to write about something so messed up, but in the perspective of someone wearing the rose-tinted glasses (Seonghwa and Hongjoong, in this case). I'd always wanted to try something like this, and although at times it HURT LIKE HELL, it was really fun („• ֊ •„) I tried to emphasize how close Hongjoong and Seonghwa grew to become despite having such an extremely toxic relationship (especially at the start) so I hope I got that across (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b

I'm very deeply attached to all the characters now after this whole journey, and it hurt so bad to kill off the main characters but I chickened out of it in "Viridescence" so I had to do it here instead (μ_μ) Unfortunately I think a sad ending was the only one suitable for a story like this or with characters like Seonghwa and Hongjoong but it still hurt (-ω-、)

Anyways, I'm very conscious of the fact that this story is quite long, which makes me even more grateful for the readers that read until the end (*¯ ³¯*)♡ What's even more touching is that since this is a prequel story, most of you also read "Viridescence". The fact that you kept up with this little story series of mine means the actual world to me ('。• ω •。') ♡

I want to especially thank:

Huffleclaw_girl : You were there through each update when I was still updating "Viridescence" and now you were here reading and voting on this story too :( Your support means so much to me and I'm so grateful to have you here, thank you so much for reading this story too (♡˙︶˙♡)

MuniraThalukdar7 : I noticed you voting on each and every new update from the start, thank you so much for reading and voting :D It makes me so happy to see your username in my notifications every Monday and Friday (⌒▽⌒)♡

lvsjoong : Thank you so much for all of your immense support for this entire story :( You've voted and commented on pretty much every chapter and your support has really kept me going with this story, I can never thank you enough <3 You always make sure to leave a sweet comment of feedback at the end of every chapter too, you've been a huge help to me from the start! Thank you for making countless days of mine so much better <3 I don't know if any word even exists to describe how grateful I am, without your comments I probably would have given up on this book so once again, thank you ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡

And to any of the readers who I didn't mention here: Thank you so much for reading :( It really makes me happy when people read my work, so I'm very grateful towards you <3

"Viridescence" didn't gain much attraction or attention, so it's no surprise that "Incarnadine" didn't get many reads either. But this doesn't bother me at all, having all of you guys to support me is all the fulfilment I really need so thank you ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ

Now! As with every story, I am happy to answer any questions anyone may have, big or small :) I am happy to answer any question about anything here if you'd like to ask anything (☆ω☆)

And to anyone reading this:

I will never forget all the sweet support you've given me <3

Until next time!

Please stay happy, healthy and safe :) You're all extremely precious, beautiful, loved and unique galaxies <3 

Please stay happy, healthy and safe :) You're all extremely precious, beautiful, loved and unique galaxies <3 

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Incarnadine | Prequel to &quot;Viridescence&quot;Where stories live. Discover now