KEEP THE FAITH | ❝smile for fear and death is upon us, and neither one has the guts to touch us.❞
( TWD x OC )
stand alone.
started ; 17 November 2019
published ; 24 March 2020
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THERE HAD BEEN A reason why Faith hadn't told anybody that she used to be a doctor. Things had not been peaceful for her when she returned to camp after helping carry a beaten Ed. She had seen the lingering stares. It was not a secret that Ed was a monster in human form and that he was widely despised in camp, but that didn't mean that Faith shouldn't help him. As soon as Ed was carried and Carol was taken care of, Faith headed off towards the RV without another word.
She didn't like the staring or dirty looks she had received. Just because she helped a bad person medically, did not make her a bad person. Faith needed to remember that, because right now, she felt isolated and alone. For the first time in a long time, she wanted to leave camp.
Faith could see Shane's back from her seat at the table inside. Last few chores were being finished for the day, and she could hear a few of the conversations, but she didn't care enough to join. Her chin sat in the palm of her hand, and her free hand traced imaginary shapes on the wood. It kept her occupied enough that she didn't go mind-numbingly bored.
It fell silent shortly after, and when a couple of minutes had passed, Faith stood up and peeked out the doorway. She saw the commotion that happened on the other hilltop, just a few yards away. The rest of the camp was empty, and Faith took it to step outside the four walls of the RV. Without a second glance to the group, Faith stepped off the stairs and walked towards the big fire pit- where a circle of empty chairs laid. She sat down in her usual chair, and pulled her foot up to rest on the seat. Her chin now rested on her kneecap instead of her palms, and she stared at the smoldering fire pit with unfocused eyes.
Faith felt sick- emotionally and physically. Her chest felt tight and blood pounded furiously inside her head. Her heart ached with beat, and god, her emotions were just whack. She couldn't tell if she was proud of herself for helping him when she didn't want too, or if she was more disgusted that she helped a man who abused his wife.
She flinched and pulled away when a hand landed on her shoulder. Faith looked up to see Shane, and she just shook his hand off harder- he was apart of her problem.
"Leave me alone," she muttered, the first thing she had said in hours.
Shane sighed softly, "Come on, Faith."
Faith stood up quickly and spun around quicker than lightening. Her face was red with anger, and she shoved a pointed finger at his chest as she looked up at the man.
"No!" Faith attempted to shout at him, but her voice cracked. She furrowed her eyebrows together and sighed. "I'm tired of you," and she motioned the rest of the camp, "and everyone else staring at me because I chose to help someone. You have made me feel like a monster, Shane! Whether it was intentional or not. I made my parents proud by being a doctor, it amazed them that some high school dropouts produced a doctor, then people like you made me throw it all away! I don't like it, Shane. I like helping people, and worse case scenario, I did my part by cleaning the blood."