 one.

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one, guts.

     THE ATLANTA SUN WAS nearly scorching- hot and bright, like any other day

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THE ATLANTA SUN WAS nearly scorching- hot and bright, like any other day. It was a wet heat, the kind where the breeze carried the moisture in the air and it created a sticky humidity. It didn't help that the camp was in a small clearing in the forest, and below the cliff they situated on was above the water-filled quarry. Faith had a feeling that a rain storm was on its way, like the major inconvenience it was.

Faith swiped her forehead with the back of her hand, take away some of the sweat that gathered on her skin. She sat on top of the camper with Dale, and the camper provided hardly any shade. Really, Faith wanted to complain about the heat, but they had greater things to complain about and in the month they had survived on their own, she hadn't complained once. It wasn't in her nature.

Dale looked back at the young woman, his eyebrows furrowed together as he lowered the binoculars. "You alright there, Faith?"

She nodded, and smiled softly. "Just a little warm, Dale. Nothing to worry about."

Since the world had ended, and she joined Shane and his family, Faith had earned the nickname of the hope giver. She never failed to give someone a smile, besides Ed and the Dixon brothers, and she was always quick to reassure someone about their situation. Faith was an optimist, even in the end of the world.

Faith sighed softly as Dale went back to watch, and her attention slid over to the woods. She did a head count, making sure she could see everyone. It was calm, for the most part, besides the sinking feeling that an attack could happen at any moment. A few chirps could be heard from the forest, not as many that was normal, but enough. Frogs croaked loud enough to be heard from the quarry and the crickets were soft as they jumped along their feet. Gnats buzzed around their heads, annoying enough, and the breeze was gentle but strong enough to rustle the leaves.

Knowing that this was the most noise that she was going to get, Faith made sure to take the time to enjoy it.

She watched the camp, and the people who came and went. Dale hollered every so often, reminding them to be careful and shout if they saw anything. He mostly got a yes, sir in return, but Dale received the occasional smart remark and it made Faith chuckle slightly. At least some of them still had a sense of humor.

"I'm gonna head down," Dale mentioned to the woman who sat with him as he laid down his gun and binoculars. Faith glanced up at him and nodded. "Just gonna work on the RV some. Just holler if you need something."

"Sure thing, Dale."

Faith watched the man climb down carefully, and she quickly scanned the camp once more. Some weeks ago, all these people were strangers and now, they had developed a bond. Faith wasn't sure how she'd label that bond, but if anything happened to these people, she'd feel the loss of them anyway.

As clouds covered the sun and Faith watched that, she could numerous conversations. Dale and Jim conversed about the RV maintenance, Amy worried over the group that took the trip to the city, and Shane and Carl were by the camp fire tying knots. Everyone else was either doing chores, or resting in their tents.

They froze though, like a sudden ice age had come upon them, when a crackly voice came through on the CB. Dale climbed back up onto the top of the camper as everyone gathered around, and Faith leaned forward in the lawn chair she sat in.

"This is T-Dog, can anybody hear me?"

"Hello? Hello?" Dale called out over the radio once he got to the top. "Reception's bad on this end. Repeat. Repeat."

"Shane, is that you?" Came T-Dog's voice again, hardly audible and crackly and staticky.

Lori glanced up, "Is that them?"

Dale motioned for her to be quiet for a moment, to communicate with the other part of the group again. T-Dog responded over the radio again, but some of what the man said was unintelligible, and he was asked to repeat it all. To Faith, she heard the word trapped and her heart picked up its pace. She was worried for them. Her thoughts were cut off by the quiet thunder, the storm was still some miles away and the storm was most likely the cause of the bad reception, because they lost contact shortly after that.

"They're gonna be fine," Faith reassured with a soft smile and a slight shrug. "They know what they're doing. They're gonna come back, safe."

"He said the department store," Lori mentioned.

Dale nodded to Faith, and to Lori. "I heard it too."

Lori stepped closer to Shane, and he immediately shook his head, denying her request. Faith knew what she wanted- for someone to go out and help them. She thought that Shane was in the right to say no, and as terrible as it sounded, he was right. They couldn't risk more people, they couldn't risk the entire group.

Amy scoffed, "So, we're just gonna leave her there?"

Faith felt for her; her sister was with that group and Andrea was all that Amy had left. Faith had nothing left besides the group, and so, she knew how that felt.

Shane stepped forward to Amy, to attempt to reason with her, but they just argued for a moment. Despite her calm demeanor, Amy was angry. When she ceased the argument, Faith watched as Amy stomped away to the other side of the camp and Shane stood there awkwardly.

Lori wasn't real happy with his decision either.

Faith leaned forward and rested her arms on her knees. "Hey, Shane?" She called out softly.

"Yeah?" The man sighed as he looked up to her.

Faith sent him a reassuring smile, "It'll be alright. You're thinking of the group. Besides, they'll be okay, like they always are. They'll get back to us."

Shane nodded, and everyone began to disperse again. Thunder crackled again, and each time it cracked, it got just slightly louder. The storm was getting closer.

"Faith," the woman glanced to Dale at the call of her name. He smiled at her, "You're a good person for thinking that."

She shrugged, "Just gotta have some hope."

a/n → I wish this was longer, but anyway, I adore Faith already 🥰

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a/n I wish this was longer, but anyway, I adore Faith already 🥰

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