Introductions and Surprise Weddings

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Then as if they were all finally ready to respond to my greetings, the trolls instantly all rolled towards me. "Kristoff," Anna said as she had to jump out of the way as some of them passed by her. 

The rock Olaf had been talking to earlier started to roll towards me as well with Olaf, himself, following. "Whoa!" I said just before I started to chuckled that the trolls were finally ready to reveal themselves. "Hey!" I exclaimed as Bulda and her husband, Cliff, both stopped in front of me and unfolded while the rest of them followed suit. 

Bulda looked very excited upon seeing me for the first time in a while. "Kristoff's home!" she exclaimed as her husband, Cliff, plugged his ear which was closest to her. 

The trolls all cheered 'Kristoff's home!' and 'Kristoff's here!' along with her. 

Olaf even joined in. "Kristoff's home!" the little snowman shouted in excitement just before suddenly becoming quite confused, finally having heard my actual name. "Wait, 'Kristoff'?" he asked the nearest troll who just nodded at him. 

That was when a female troll by the name of Raquel grabbed my hand and practically yanked me down to her level. "Aw, let me look at you," she said, most likely excited about seeing me once again. 

Then, Bulda came up from behind me and started to pull on my trousers, saying, "Take off your clothes. I'll wash them." 

I stopped her before she could remove anything. "Ah, no, I'm gonna keep my clothes on," I told her, especially since Anna chose to stay here and listen to them, after all. We all had something else to do, anyway. "Look it's great to see you all, but where's Grandpabbie?" I asked them. 

That was around when I heard one of the young ones talking to me. "He's napping." It was Flint. "But, look! I grew a mushroom," he told me, turning around and showing the mushroom which was now protruding from his back. 

Another one of the young ones approached me by the name of Almandine. Just like Bulda and Raquel, Almandine was a female troll, too. "I earned my fire crystal," she said, holding up a glowing ruby-like crystal. 

Then, an older one, Jasper, who was probably grumpier than even me, became the next one to talk to me. "I passed a kidney stone," he said, holding up a tiny pebble. 

Then, my own adoptive kid brother, Coal, who was probably just a little bit younger than even Flint and Almandine, jumped into my arms. "Kristoff, pick me up," he requested upon jumping in my arms. 

Coal had really gotten heavier since the last time I saw him. Even I could barely hold him. "You're getting big," I told him proudly. "Good for you." It really was just like the old days. At least now, I could actually support even the troll children's weight. 

Back at the valley's edge, it seemed as though Anna finally felt comfortable enough for it and took the opportunity to speak up about what she thought of my family. "Trolls," she said quietly at first. "They're trolls!" she said a little bit louder that time, like she was at last realizing I was not so crazy, after all. I was certainly not as crazy as she and Olaf thought I was. 

The trolls, however, suddenly heard her, looked her way, and they all blinked simultaneously at the sight of her. 

That was just about when they got overly excited about her presence. "He's brought a girl!" Bulda screamed out to the others. They all screamed out, "A girl!" with the same excitement. 

Then, the trolls all swept Anna up off of her feet and passed her towards me. They all said things like, "Is that a real girl?" and "She's like a little cupcake.", in response to how she looked. 

Finally, they tossed Anna into my arms. "What's going on?" she asked me. 

I could not be too sure. "I've learned to just roll with it," I told her, trying to sound as reassuring as I could. Even when growing up in their kingdom, however, I still could never know what to expect from the trolls at any time. I just set her down after that. 

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