The Start of the War

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Jeanne P.O.V

Holy Grail war. But this type of summoning is somewhat odd. Something went wrong. The place is in the romanian region, the Trifas. To fight for second grant wish fulfillment, the seven Servants fought against Servants. And finally, there was the Greatest Holy War. My role is...

Akira P.O.V

I woke up from my sleep, so the 16th Servant is here. Now i know what you are thinking, how did i get summon without the Red or Black fraction Masters? Simple i was summon by a Mage but i didn't like him so i killed him but before you judged me because of my actions let me explain.


I was summoned into a dark room as a Archer, weird i should have been summon as a Saber but i guess this is fine. I looked in front of me to see a man in a robe shaking with excitement

Mage: I can't believe it, i summon a Servant hahahah!

Before i could speak i noticed blood on the floor that leaves to another room. I went to the other room to see dead body's of a family, a man, woman, a little girl, and boy. But when i looked closer at the mother and daughter they looked like they were... That disgusting Bastard!

Mage: Ah there you are i was lo--

Before he can say anything i open one of my portals and chopped the Mage head off. I looked back at the family with grief

"I'm sorry you have gone through this, but i hope you guys live peaceful in the afterlife"

20 Minutes Later

I finished burying the body's and left the house, i pulled out a mana potion a drank it. Who needs a Master if i got this, anyways i am in a town known as Romanian. I got out of town to see if i could find others mages but before i could i heard a scream in the forest so i ran towards the screams. When i got there i saw more Mages but they have been impaled

"What happen?"

I sense a Servant nearby so i went to find this Servant to see him about to kill some more Mages but i managed to saved them by blocking the roots coming from the grounds

I sense a Servant nearby so i went to find this Servant to see him about to kill some more Mages but i managed to saved them by blocking the roots coming from the grounds

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Servant: What the?

I saved the Mages and they went by the tree with the others. A man came out of hiding confuse by my sudden appearance

 A man came out of hiding confuse by my sudden appearance

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