Birth Of A New Hero

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Akira P.O.V

We made it to town and now we need to scout out the area. I know the layout of this place like the back of my hand.

"Alright Jeanne, since i know the layout of this place i will show you around"

Jeanne: Ok Aki, lead the way

I lead Jeanne around town showing her more spots that fights might take place at. The next thing i showed her was the places where most of it are traps set up from the mages that live in the castle. The last thing i want to fight are Golems, don't get me wrong they are strong but don't you think they can do more then just swing at you helplessly? Nope! The last place i showed Jeanne was the forest that has Yggdmillmennia mages that lives in the castle... Mine was bigger. After a whole day of me showing Jeanne the place it was now nighttime

Jeanne: Thank you for your help Aki

"You know you could just call me by my name right?"

Jeanne: I know but Aki is a cute nickname for you

I paused myself blushing at her words, it seems Jeanne also noticed what she said and blushed too


Jeanne: Y-Your welcome

What should i do? I shouldn't be embarrassed by it but hearing that coming from her, it makes my heart pump fast. I felt some Servant presence coming from the forest

"You sense that?"

Jeanne: Yes i do

"Let's go investigate"

Jeanne: Ok

We went to the forest and search for the signature to only find a bunch of giant rock pieces and some purple crystal on the floor

Jeanne: The three servants of Red didn't receive any orders from their master during a fight

"Are you saying that the servants are doing this on their own?"

Jeanne: Correct, this is Yggdmillmennia territory, but the Red Master's presence is too faint

"So the Master of Red are near by then. But for now we must find out where the Servants are at right jeanne. Jeanne?"

Jeanne: Infighting?


I then sense a couple of Servants near the area but one of them is strong but weak so i went ahead leaving Jeanne

Jeane: Aki!

"I am going to investigate this mana signature!"

??? P.O.V

I was running with Rider the one who is helping me escape

I was running with Rider the one who is helping me escape

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But i can't go on so i have to stop to catch my breath

Rider: What's wrong? Are you tired?

I am having doubts to doing this

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