Trust your instincts

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Akira P.O.V

After the sacrifice Siegfried did everyone seem to settle down

Rider: I'm glad you're alive!

Rider then leap at the boy hugging him... Should i be concerned that he is a boy and not a girl?... Nope

Rider: Thank God! I was so worried.

Jeanne: Let me see him. Step aside.

Rider wasn't listening so so she sigh

Jeanne: Excuse me.

So she put her hand on Rider's head and threw him back landing on his face. I snicker at that site so i went to help him

"You alright?"

Rider: Yeah thank you

I caught Jeanne stared at Rider with jealousy so i wanted to tease her

"If it makes you feel better Jeanne you will always be my favorite partner"

It seems to work sense now Jeanne is blushing red so she turn her head away from being embarrassed

Rider: Aren't you quite a flirter

"I aim to please"

Jeanne then calmed down and turn to the boy and place her hand on his heart

Jeanne: Siegfried's heart seems to be functioning fine. There are no records of such an incident in previous Holy Grail Wars

"Hahahahahah now this is what i am talking about, finally a Grail War that i can actually enjoy"

Boy: Siegfried? The hero from the Song of the Nibelungs? I have his heart?

Rider: Don't sweat the details. You're okay now! That's what matter. Right

Jeanne: I cannot deny that.

"Agreed, you now have a purpose but the question is what is your purpose?"

I felt someone coming our way and and it looks like Jeanne felt it too

Jeanne: Rider

Just then most of the Masters and servants have arrived

Just then most of the Masters and servants have arrived

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Fate Apocrypha Jeanne x Akira OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now