3-{The Maldives Guy😶}

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Third person's Pov

Arshita walked out of the party angrily after that scene, while Shubman and Ishan went after her to look is she was alright or whatever the matter was!! It was something about that guy Abhishek, Shriya's business partner, they didn't knew why they both acted like that with each other.

Arshita came and went inside the car straightaway without saying any word while Shubman and Ishan looked at each other as they knew that something was serious right here because she was trying really hard not to cry!

"Let's just go and we'll talk when she's okay" Shubman said and Ishan nodded his head as they both sat inside the car and drove off with utter silence, Ishan drove off straight towards their secret hide out which is a lake house where they spend most of their times together!

And right now they knew that Arshita needed both of them so they aren't leaving her home alone!

Ishan stopped the car in front of the lake house and the next moment Arshita got out as she went inside the house as fast as she could and Ishan turned to look at Shubman saying, "You go with her. Mai car park krke aata hu"

"I don't get it, what the hell happened?" Shubman asked while shaking his head confusedly while Ishan just sighed saying, "Just give her time, she'll tell us! Just go and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid meanwhile, you know how she is when she's angry"

"Yeah right!" Shubman said as he immediately got out of the car and went inside while Ishan drove into the garage and parked the car! He closed the door of the garage when he noticed that his bracelet was missing from his hand, where the hell did it went?

Arshita would kill him if she gets to know that he'd lost it!! He never took it off all these years since she had gifted him and Shubman the same bracelet back in school on their first friendship day together! It really meant a lot to her! Ishan sighed while running a hand through his hair when he heard some crashing noises from inside the house.

He shook my head as he immediately ran inside and saw the whole living area in a mess, all the things were scattered around as if someone had pushed them off and he knew exactly who it was.

Ishan looked up find Arshita holding another vase in her hand as she threw it which also ended up leaving a big cut on her palm, while Shubman was shouting for her to stop.

"Arshu calm down! You'll hurt yourself! Just stop, we're here for you. Please, look at me" Ishan said slowly walking upto her while tears flowed down her eyes as she looked up at him and finally left the piece of vase that she was holding in her blood covered hand, Ishan went upto her as he kept his hands on her shoulders trying to calm her down and then made her sit on the couch.

Shubman immediately bought a glass of water as he made her drink it while caressing her hair slowly, "It's okay, no one's going to hurt you! We're here! Don't worry" Shubman said keeping his arm around her shoulders while Ishan also nodded wiping away her tears when she hugged him.

Ishan sighed in relief as she was finally going back to normal, he caressed her hair slowly while patting her back as her sobs became lesser than before.

Arshita pulled back after a moment and looked down when Shubman sighed while finally breaking the silence, "Look at your hand, it's bleeding! You're always so careless"

Arshita kept silent as Shubman went and brought the first aid kit as he took her hand in his slowly and started cleaning the wound when Arshita finally spoke up, "The second reason I don't believe in love after mom! It's him, Abhishek Sharma, the one who ruined me!"

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