Chapter 1

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-Dear dairy,we haven't met yet,I'm Morrigan Malson.And let me introduce you to my town,Ayrona.I know,I know,it's kinda weird name,but let's not judge.There's a lot interesting things,definitely more interesting than it's name.Well,I have to go to school now.It's new school year,a new page,new life,I really need a fresh start!

-Me:Aunt Jessa!I'm going to school!See you later,okay?
-Aunt Jessa:Oh,hi sweetie,see you later.
-Me:I finally got out from the house,I don't really love to spend time in it,it gives me bad vibes,old memories,you know..After some time I realized that I'm late to school.Why I always need to be the one who's late?
I'm running as fast as I can through all people on the street.Wind is in my hair,it's kinda weird feeling but I bet that my hair is enjoying!
                     *5 minuets later*
I'm finally here!And I'm not even late!So i ran for nothing?Well,at least it was a good training!HEY!-I shouted,LILITH,OVER HERE!-agin I shouted,even harder than last time,I'm calling my best friend,I didn't see her for a month now,but it feels like whole century!Now my heart wants to jump out from my body and hug her,but I'll be the one who is going to hug her,sucks to be you heart,I guess.LILITHH I'M OVER THERE USE YOUR EYESS!-I shouted and she finally noticed me.Oh my!That you only saw how happy she was!We both were!Morrigan!!FINALLY!I were looking for you everywhere!Where did you disappeared?!-Lilith said to me,half overjoyed,half worried.
-Me:Uhh?Lilith?Are you okay?I spent my whole summer at home?
-Lilith:What...what do you mean?I came to your house and nobody opened the door..It's like I heard something,some strange voice,but it wasn't yours or aunt Jess's....
-Me:Umm...this definitely don't smells good....What did the voice say?Did you recognized who's voice it was?
-Lilith:No...I didn' was so a ghost or something...I don't know what it said,it was some kind of different language,but I never heard it before...
-Me:We have a problem... but let's go to the class now,we'll find a way to solve this weird situation later...
We're at the history class.It's kinda boring,I never understood why we have to learn something that already happened.The classroom is still the same,nothing changed,broken window,bad blackboard,teacher that hates us all...Okay students,today we aren't doing new lesson,because from ALL people in this stupid school they chose me to introduce you new student.So welcome our new student Ewan Parker.-history teacher sayed,he looked really mad and irritated,his face literally said that he never wanted his job in the first place.Ewan Parker,our new student came in the classroom,I didn't care but then I saw his face.It seemed like I'm looking at an angel,his hair was brown,like the sweetest chocolate in the world.Then,I saw his eyes.Unlucky you,I mean literally,you didn't see his eyes,that's something worth watching.It's like I were looking at forest and the ocean at the same time, with a little of golden dust,it looked like something from heaven.Then,he made eye contact with me,I just wanted to stay there forever and watch him,and I still do.Sadly,he continued straight to his desk.And guess what?It was next to the mine desk!I can't describe how happy I was!Later that day I was in hallway,trying to go through massive group of people and one of them pushed me and I fell into the broom storage.I got up and came out from broom storage but I wouldn't be me if I don't do something stupid.I bumped into Ewan.It was really awkward and cringe,I was so embarrassed but luckily Lilith came.C'mon we have to go,there's a mystery that we have to solve-Lilith said very confident.While she was talking about possibly explanations for this situation I didn't listen to her.I was in my own world,I thought about Ewan.It started to kinda annoy me because I wanted to focus on everything that Lilith was saying but I couldn't.I didn't know how to control my mind.Then Lilith noticed that I'm thinking about something instead of listening to her.She was kinda offended but she knew about who I thought.Hahahaha!!Someone is in love heree!!-she said while laughing.Hey!I'm not in love!Just to let you know that.-I said,even if I knew that it's a clear lie.Oh c'mon Morrigan I know that you're in love with Ewan,you don't have to hide that from me-she said trying to prove it.Oh okay!Maybe I am..butt just for a..little..-I said, in an awkward and denying voice.After that Lilith and me went to my house and we were trying to find a explanation for strange voice.

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