Chapter 1

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??? POV:

"Target approaching. Want me to make a move sir?"

"No, not yet."

"With all due respect, why don't you just kill her yet? We've been following her for weeks."

"Because I haven't had any fun with her yet! It's all apart of the game."

Vanessa's POV:

I made my way down the street, looking over my shoulder every so often to make sure I wasn't being followed. Well, I'm always being followed. To make sure someone isn't walking behind me is more like it.

I heard my phone ping so I turned into the nearest shop, a cafe called Speedy's I think. I took out my phone and checked the massage.

221b. The doors unlocked. - S.H.

"Here we go again." I mutter and put my phone back into my coat pocket. I walk out of the cafe and into the flat directly next to it. 221b. I walk up the stairs and into the door at the top. Once I'm in a see a man sitting on a chair, presumably waiting for me. I cant really tell what he looks like yet, most of the lights are off. Casting a shadow over his face.

"Miss Tedeschi. Sit." He says and motions to the chair across from him. I walk over to the chair and sit.

"Why have you called me here?" I ask, sounding bored. "If your going to kidnap me I'd suggest you get on with it."

"I'm not an idiot Vanessa." He says and scoffs. "Who in their right mind would kidnap the heir to the Tedeschi Family mafia?"

"Don't call me that." I say bitterly. "Well if I'm not here to be kidnapped then why am I here?" I ask.

"You're my latest case Tedeschi." He says and looks me up and down. "I've been assigned to learn everything I can about you by my brother." He says. "I'm obviously not going to tell him anything, not when I could know so much about something Mycroft knows absolutely nothing about."

Something about the mischief in his eyes and in the sly tone he spoke made me think he wasn't lying. But I couldn't know for sure.

"How do I know your not lying? How do I know you aren't recording and just need me to say something incriminating?" I say and raise an eyebrow at him.

He smirks at me. "You're smart, very smart. No wonder nobody's been able to catch you." He says.

"Compliments aren't going to get you anywhere Mr Holmes." I say in a sing-song voice. I see a slight looks of shock in his eyes, either because I had caught on so quickly or because I know his name.

"Aren't they?" He says. "It's worked before."

"I'm not that girl at St Barts that you have wrapped around your finger. The only thing you're giving me is an ego boost." I say and roll my eyes.

"How do you know about Molly?!" He asks, his voice raising slightly.

"You really think you wouldn't be on my families radar? Please Sherlock." I say and chuckle. "I could have you and all your little friends dead in an instant if you become threats."

Sherlock quickly stands up and grabs a gun that was hidden in the cushion of his chair. He walks over and points the gun at me. I stand up as well, now the gun is right against my throat.

"Do it. Shoot me. You won't." I say with a dark chuckle.

"Try me." He says and un-clicks the safety lock on the gun. I take the barrel often gun and move it from on my throat to in my mouth. The challenging look in my eyes urging him to pull the trigger.

"You're insane." He whispers, but something in his tone of voice told me that he thought something else as well. I just couldn't figure out what.

I roll my eyes and sit back down. "I'm not insane I just have a gun kink." I think.

"Well that makes sense.." he mutters.

"Oh I forgot about that, your deductions." I say, annoyed.

Sherlocks POV:

"Oh I forgot about that, your deductions." She says, annoyed.

"So you know me?" I say, putting the gun down and sitting back into my chair.

"I thought that was rather obvious." She say with yet another eye roll. So this is how John must feel. I almost pity him. Almost.

"Yes well-" I say, suddenly standing up and walking towards the kitchen. "Now that we're done with that how about we get to the part where you tell me your story and I you and myself a glass of wine?"

"Why cant you just deduce me and put the pieces together." She says, sounding like she'd much prefer that option.

"Alright then." I say as I walk back into the room, 2 wine glasses and a bottle of red wine in hand. I set the, down on the wooden chair that I've been using as table.

"Where to begin.." I say as I put my hands into their usual prayer position under my chin. "Lets start with your outfit. The formal attire suggests you went to some form of meeting. And your status in the criminal and business world confirms it."

"Go on.." she said, adjusting her position in the chair.

"Your makeup. It's formal but also attractive. You were dressed to impress, but you always are aren't you?" I say and smirk. "Now those knives you have hidden in your coat suggests that whoever you were meeting with you thought was going to be hostile. Leading to your hair style choice. A high ponytail."

"Brilliant... absolutely brilliant." She mutters, waiting for me to go on.

"But your hair is still in place and makeup still perfect so they were not hostile. Much to your surprise, so the meeting ended earlier then you originally thought. Leading to you going on a walk instead of calling your Grandfather to pick you up." I say. "Did I miss anything?"

She nods her head no. I smile triumphantly and pour both of us a glass of wine. I hand her a glass and she takes a sip.

"That was impressive, no wonder my grandpa is interested in you." She says as she swirls the wine in her glass around. "And you didn't even give me drugged wine! Huh, well I suppose I could trust you." She says. "What do you want to know? I'm assuming-" she starts but I cut her off.

"I don't want to know about Michel Tedeschi. I want to know abbot you." I interrupt

"You... you don't want information on my grandfather?" She asks, almost in bewilderment.

"If I wanted that information I could easily find it." I say. "I want to know about his little secret. The Queen of the criminal world one could say. And that's you."

Welp here's chapter 1, hope people like it! Make sure to let me know what you think of it! Bye readers!

- Phoenix <3

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