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Eddward let out a sigh as he finished unpacking his belongings. It felt like the house hadn't changed at all. The familiar emptiness was slightly welcoming after his encounter with Kevin. He laid back on his bed and relaxed a bit. When he went off to college, his parents was going to sell there home but Eddward begged them to let him keep it as a graduation present. He knew he would come back here and not only because of Kevin. This town was filled with so many memories of antics with his friends, his time with Kevin, the kiss they'd shared.
"Stop thinking about it, Eddward Vincent. Just let it go."
A knock on just window brought him back to reality and it was both Ed and Eddy. Eddward sighed and when to the front door to open it. He waited until the two came to the door and Eddy glared.
"You couldn't have just opened the window," he asked, entering the house.
"No, we aren't children anymore, Eddy. You can use the front door."
"Yeah but we were already there at the window."
Edd rolled his eyes and closed the door. Just as he locked the door, he felt both Eddy and Ed wrap him into a suffocating hug.
"We missed you double D!," Ed exclaimed.
"Yeah Sockhead," Eddy chimed in, "You could have came to visit us on holidays!"
They released Edd and he chuckled at them. The two had not changed in their four years apart and it was a relief for him.
"Well I'm here now. Come on, lets hear about your lives since I've been away."
Eddward guided the two to the kitchen and began making sandwiches while Eddy started telling him about what the two had been up to. He'd learned that Eddy owned his own car repair shop and Ed helped him buy doing the heavy lifting. Ed also worked at the school as the assistant gym teacher for Kevin. Eddy watched for Edd's reaction to hearing Kevin's name and saw his friend tense up. They'd been the first to know about Edd and Kevin. Eddy was the one to encourage Edd to kiss Kevin in the first place but after Edd left for college, Kevin was hardly ever brought up until he was never mentioned at all. Now, Eddy knew something had happened between the two and he would get to the bottom of it.
"Well, I'm glad that the two of you have been well. And it looks like I'll be seeing Ed a lot since I will be the science and mathematics teacher at Peach Creek High."
"Really, Double D," Ed asked excitedly. Eddy remained silent in his thoughts. Ed and not Kevin and Ed? Something had definitely happened.
"So, did you talk with Pumpkin Head yet? You said you would after you cleaned the place."
Edd tensed then sighed and went back to making Ed's sandwiches.
"I spoke with Kevin. There were some misunderstanding between us but I don't want to get into that right now."
Edd gave Ed his disgusting ham, turkey, gravy, pickle, and bacon sandwiches then gave Eddy his plane turkey and ham sandwiches. He watched as Ed devoured the food then looked away to keep from vomiting.
"So basically you two got into an argument on sight. Thats typical of Kevin."
Edd took a sip of the tea that he made then responded.
"It's not all his fault. I should have told him before I left instead of writing that letter-"
"You had to leave at the very last minute so don't even go there. You wrote him a note explaining everything and I had Naz give him your number when you finally got a phone. At this point you both need to just talk it out or suck it up and move on without answers but you like to obsess over anything so at the end of the day its all up to you."
Edd was stunned. He would have never thought that Eddy would say such a thing to him since he was against the two even being together at the beginning. Yes he supported Eddward after a few tears but made it clear that he hated Kevin.
"Well this is shocking," he began with a smirk, "I would have never thought that you would be capable of such advice, Eddy."
Eddy glared at his friend but grunted instead of replying, making Edd laugh.

Later that afternoon, Eddward went into town to gather groceries and other things he would need. While looking for oatmilk, he bumped into someone's cart and panicked.
"I am so sorry! I should hav- Kevin..."
Kevin watched Edd go from panicked to confused before he looked away from him and apologized again.
"I'm sorry. I should have been paying more attention."
Eddward quickly wheeled his cart around Kevin and tried to make his escape but Kevin wasn't having it. He grabbed Edd by the arm and made Edd look into his eyes.
"Have dinner with me tonight."
This stunned Eddward into silence. He couldn't look away from Kevin, not that he wanted to, and knew his shock was portrayed on his face.
"W-what? B-but I thought that-"
"We can talk about it over dinner. We can have it at my place. I'll see you at 8 o'clock."
Kevin released Edd then walked away, leaving Eddward stunned in place. Someone cleared their throat and Edd looked over to see a smirking old woman.
"When your done getting cooled from that steamy tension, can I get to the milk please?"
Eddward blushed and quickly moved from her way.
This is so embarrassing.
"Honey, you don't need to be embarrassed. I take it the boy is in the dog house and is trying to make it up to you?"
Eddward shook his head and grabbed the Oatmilk.
"We had a few misunderstandings that had to be cleared up on my end."
She nodded and gave him a smile.
"I'm sure it will work itself out. They way he looked at you earlier was so intense that I almost-"
"You scaring the kids with your flirting again," someone spoke. The two looked to see another woman who looked just at old as the first but they looked nothing alike. The second one came and placed some items in the first's cart.
"Oh we're just talking about this crush someone has on him. He almost reminded me of you back in the day, honey."
The woman cringed and then turned to me.
"You're going to be a keeper then, I suppose. Anyways, lets go home. We got everything we needed.
"We still need the meat."
"We have meat at home. The doctor said-"
As the two walked off, their voices trailed away and Edd could only smile at them.
When they turned into an aisle, he returned to his shopping.

Silence and awkwardness, thats all there had been since the two sat and ate at Kevin's table. Kevin stared at Eddward while Eddward stared at the plate in front of him. Neither wanted to speak first about their problem but Kevin was growing impatient.
"So we've been apart for five years and you want to wait another five to settle things," Kevin asked in a provoking manner. Eddward sent a cold stare his way and placed down his utensils and laced his fingers together.
"Kevin, I am truly sorry for the misunderstandings, believe me I am but your behavior is uncalled for. I'm here trying to rectify things between us but you insist on being immature. Either we can talk things through like adults or I leave and we can stay out each other's way."
Kevin was thrown by Eddward's attitude once more. Gone was the meek double dork he grew up with and in with this more authoritative man. Kevin stood from his seat and made his way around to Eddward. Edd tensed, thinking he'd misspoke again but what happened next caught him by surprise.
Kevin grabbed him behind the head and kissed him. The kiss was passionate and hungry, and so hot that Edd found himself melting. When Kevin pulled away, he placed his forehead on Eddward's and looked him in the eyes.
"I missed you, Double Dork."

Ugh this took for flipping ever but it's done. I think it sux but I'll let y'all be the judges of that. Enjoy and see ya in the next update.

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