While you wait (1)

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So here is a little shorty short while we wait for my brain the thaw out.

Kevin and Edd had came to Edd's house after the prom and now they were in the kitchen......
Kevin moan as his mouth filled with cream.
"Are you gonna eat it all, Pumpkin?"
Kevin moaned in response and Eddward groaned and his eyes rolled.
Kevin pulled away from his spoon and begrudgingly passed the ice cream over.
"Stupid double jerk," he mumbled and pouted like a child.
"I told you we were sharing before I even showed you what it was."
"I ToLd yOu We wErE shaRiNg BeFOre- blah blah blah."
Edd glared playfully at Kevin then smirked when an idea popped into his head. He took off his tie and tied hit around Kevin's wrist and bound them behind the chair.
"The hell? What are you doing? Let me go you double jerk!"
"Nah. I'm gonna have fun with this."
Kevin had already taken off his formal shirt and had been completely shirtless. Edd had pulled down Kevin's pants saying he didn't want them to get dirty during the coming activity.
"Since you didn't want to share I'll have to give you your ice cream." Kevin growled and tried to untie himself but couldn't. He had almost reached the knot but ice cream was slathered on his face and he paused.
"I know you did not just-"
"I did and I'm about to do it again." Eddward slather ice cream on his other cheek and chuckled when Kevin protested.
"I'm going to paint your entire upper body with ice cream and your going to sit there and let me."
"Like hell I will! I am so getting you back for-" Eddward cut Kevin off with a kiss. The Orange haired boy froze but couldn't help but kiss him back. When Edd pulled away, Kevin whimpered and went to speak but had a dish towel shoved into his mouth.
"Now where was I?" Edd continued painting Kevin's body with ice cream but Kevin let out a soft moan when Edd got to his nipples. Edd smirked and put dolips on both but one fell off and landed on his crotch. Kevin froze and moaned at the coldness of it but direct contact was blocked by his boxers. Eddward was about to scoop it off but upon hearing Kevin's moan and watching his squirming, Eddward decided to finish painting Kevin.

After all the ice cream was gone Eddward threw the carton away and washed the spoon very slowly. When he walked back over to Kevin he pulled the towel from his mouth and prepared himself for an ear full.
"E-Edd...The ice cream..." Eddward was confused at first but then remembered the ice cream that had fallen. Kevin saw the evil smile on Double D's face but couldn't prepare himself for the attack to come. Eddward had began sucking the ice cream from Kevin's boxers and Kevin moaned loud enough to wake the dead. When Eddward had finished the lights began to flicker and a door slammed shut. Both boys looked around and Eddward glared.
"Edd, not this again," Kevin stated.
"It's not me this time," Edd said as he untied Kevin. Both boys stood and the light went off. When the lights came back on there were three women in the kitchen all dressed in black.
"Who are you and how the hell did you get in here," Edd asked shielding Kevin. The women wore blank faces first but, as if someone showed them two different pictures, they smiled evilly at the boys. As the drew closer, the boys backed into a corner. When they couldn't run anymore the three women stopped and Eddward could clearly see nooses embedded into their necks.
"We are here too..........." they're was an eerie, dramatic pause before the women smiled normally and snapped a picture, "get your cute photos and run. I swear, Kevin your moaning woke us from our deaths."
When they giggled, the girls disappeared and the boys stared off at the space they were not even three seconds ago.

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