Chapter Three

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Eddward hissed when Kevin pressed the ice pack to his eye.
"That hurt a little," he chuckled out. Kevin glared at him and slapped his leg.
"What the hell was that about," he demanded.  Eddward sighed and leaned back on the couch. The lights were now back on and Kevin's glare was in perfect view.
"Nothing, really."
"N-nothing," Kevin scoffed, "you scared me half to death thinking that a muderer ghost alien was killing you!"
"If it's any consolation, I like that left hook you gave me."
Kevin sighed then sat next to the tall double jerk. Eddward finally gave and explained himself.
"Look, I'm sorry, alright? I just needed to test something is all."
"Test what," Kevin asked. Eddward smirked then kissed Kevin softly.
"Don't worry about it. Just know that you passed."
Eddward stood and placed the ice pack on the table.
"Come along, pumpkin. I remember telling you it was time for bed." Kevin looked at the clock and saw it was eleven-thirty.

Edd followed Kevin to his room and cringed when he saw the mess.
"Sorry about my room, I don't clean it unless I have food in here."
"I can see that," Edd said before muttering the words so unsanitary.
"Its just cloths  everywhere." Kevin took off his hat and placed it on a chair before stripping down to his underwear and getting in bed.
"Good night, Kevin."
"Good night."

A month has passed and Eddward has gotten closer and closer to Kevin. Kevin, himself, has accepted the fact that Eddward wanted him and that he wanted Eddward. He had become very jealous of anyone trying to get close to his double jerk in a not so friendly way and the same was for Eddward; all though he attacked anyone that even breathed too close to Kevin.

"-then, that idiot copped a feel on me and said 'I can't stop thinking about your tight ass', like really," Exclaimed Nazz. Right now, Nazz, Nate, and Kevin were at they're usual table as Nazz talked about Grant.
"Need me to kick his ass for you," Nate asked.
"No, you don't need to get into trouble over something I already dealt with."
"What did you do," Kevin asked when he saw her smirking.
"I crotch shot him then elbowed his face off. He's sporting a gnarly eye now."
"Nice." The two exchanged high fives then Eddy came over.
"Hey, Shovel Chin," he said looking at Kevin, "Sock Head needs you in the library." Everyone at the table smirked while Kevin sported a blush.
"I'm having lunch with my friends," Kevin stated nervously, "besides, if he wants to see me then he can come to me himself."
Nazz and Nat looked to a still smirking Eddy.
"He thought you might say that. Ed..." Kevin wondered what was happening but then felt strong arms wrap around him.
"I'm on it Eddy."

Kevin protested the entire way to the library. When he saw it had been empty, his stomach dropped.
"Thank you, guys," Eddward said once Ed placed Kevin in his arms.
"Yeah Yeah, don't forget our deal," Eddy said. When the two left, Edd wasted no time attacking Kevins body.
"I've been waiting all day for you, pumpkin. I hate that I can't be with you every class." Kevin moaned loudly when Edd bit down on his earlobe.
"I'm going to learn everything about your body, Pumpkin, semicolon, And your going to love every bit of it."
"N-now of all times you want to give me a grammar lesson?"
Edd laughed loudly before stopping his assault.
"I didn't call you here to seduce you, Kevin."
"More like summoned or kidnapped," Kevin mumbled.
"I called you here because you need to bring your chemistry grade up."
"Looks like we were building up chemistry already," Kevin mumbled once more. Edd chuckled then kissed Kevin softly.
"Pumpkin, we don't need another chemical reaction. Now lets get to it. There is only seventeen minutes left before you have to get to class."

Kevin stared up at his ceiling. It was twelve a.m on a Friday and he couldn't sleep. When he would think of the library his body would respond accordingly. Every part of his body yearned for Eddwards touch more and more as each day passed. Tonight, his body was an inferno craving to be put out by Eddwards touch.
Groaning, Kevin got out of bed and went to the kitchen. He poured him some water in a glass and gulped it down. Suddenly, the lights turned of and his father stood in the archway.
"Kevin? I thought you'd be asleep by now," he said placing his briefcase down on the counter.
"I couldn't sleep, that's all," Kevin responded.
Silence filled the kitchen but not an awkward one. Both leaned on the counter side by side then took a brownie from the plate beside them and ate. They finished it at the same time and burped in perfect sync.
"Well goodnight," Larry Barr said.
"Yeah, goodnight." Both left the kitchen and went back to there rooms together.

Rev! KevEdd: Of Monster and PumpkinWhere stories live. Discover now