Chapter One

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"Wilby!" I call from across our roomy but comfortable apartment. I heard him groan as the door to his office opened dramatically. My brother, and honestly best friend, Wilbur walked out shooting me glares. "You know for someone who just made you your favorite breakfast before your big lore stream, you don't seem very grateful."

"Maybe if you didn't call me Wilby then it wouldn't be such an issue," he said plopping down next to me at our kitchen table. "I do appreciate it though. This should be a big one, so I'm thankful to have a great sister at a time like this."

"I'm sorry to break it to you, Wilby isn't going anywhere. Tommy has set in stone the perfect nickname to embarrass you with and I will never let it die," I said diving into the breakfast made for Wilbur. He rolled his eyes but showed a slight smirk that showed his gratefulness through it all.

Wilbur has always been my best friend. Growing up he took me under his wing, letting nothing hurt me. For better and for worse. He has been one of the most consistent things in my life, and I appreciate nothing more than how kind Wilbur has always been to me. He helped when I was pursuing my dream of being an author, and he was by my side when my book really took off. We never really fought, if we did it was small and didn't carry much weight.

We ate quietly, exchanging small pieces of information about how our day was going to do. Wilbur tried a few times to tell me about the plans for the lore stream, but I stopped him dead in his tracks. I watched every lore stream because the story they had created was deep, and it was good. I loved watching it.

From: Tommy

Tell Wilbur to get on. Stop being nice and distracting him. We have warming up to do woman.

To: Tommy

Tommy, you are just jealous of the fact that he's eating my delicious homemade cooking.

From: Tommy

You are a cursed woman. You will ruin our Minecraft lore.

"Tommy would kindly like you to get on," I said looking up to Wilbur finishing up his breakfast. He laughs slightly, knowing he probably was being a pestering child.

"Now that sounds like Tommy," He said putting his plate in our dishwasher. He walks over and wraps me in a hug from behind. I smile as I finish up my food, reaching behind to give him an awkward hug as well. He laughs slightly and turns towards his office, thanking me once more for the food.

After putting my plate in the dishwasher and cleaning up the remaining mess from breakfast, I went to my office for my day of mild torture. When I opened my office door, the room around me felt almost like a prison, although it was decorated to near perfection. I turned on my lamps, lit my favorite candles, and sat down on my writing couch with my laptop.

I released my first book as a published author close to a year ago. It was a Science Fiction Romance novel, following a young girl in her journey to do sci-fi shit and meets a boy who she falls in love with, they have a very slow-burn relationship but in the end, they solve their planets worries and end up together. Well, it ended up being the best-selling novel of last year, and my publisher is pushing for a sequel, saying their love story still has so many more turns to face.

The only issue with this is it's easy for an author to write from experience, it's nearly impossible to write about the ins and outs of an established relationship when I've never got past the talking stage with anyone. This novel is giving me the worst writer's block I have ever experienced in my 20 years of life, but I have to keep going. I can't let anyone down, not now that I proved that I can succeed in my dream.

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