Chapter Ten

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Today was a day that didn't happen often but was very much needed after the grinding through all of these pages. I took a day off.

Wilbur was off filming a video with his friends, Jack Manifold and George, and this left me with a house to myself. I didn't like to take breaks, since I felt guilty for Wilbur taking on all the bills, but I wouldn't let the guilt get to me today. I was just going to enjoy myself. For the first time in a very long time.

"(Y/N) you are so ass at Skywars I don't know why I ask you to play with me," Tommy says as he knocks me into the void with an easy combo. I roll my eyes at his sentiment.

"Don't ask me, Tommy. It's my day off and I'm spending it with a 17-year-old boy playing a fighting game in Minecraft," I said as he started another game. He laughed a little, enough for me to know that his feelings weren't actually hurt.

"This game is much more than fighting, its strategy and-"

"Please stop, this is so nerdy it's hurting my brain cells," I said as I started our game. I had a great couple of chests and tried my best to actually focus so I could beat Tommy.

"I didn't know you had any of those left," Tommy said as he was obviously focused as well. I laughed at the friendly trash talk. He was very good at helping me destress.

Tommy killed two people, and I had killed one before we were, like usual, the last two people standing in the match. I was determined to kick his ass this time, and I took a different strategy than normal. Rather than rushing, which usually ended with me dying, I walked around until I found Tommy and bow attacked him. He wasn't expecting it, and I took that opportunity to rush with his already lowered health.

"Hell yeah!" I said as the victory message displayed across my screen. Tommy groaned in frustration, as his loss was not the normal ending to these matches. I was nearly dying of laughter when he queued up another game. "Can we play Bedwars or something? Something where we work together?"

"Yeah, I guess. I don't think my ego could take another loss from you," he said before heading back to the lobby. I picked my phone up and saw that Wilbur texted me and said that I hoped I was having a good day and he would grab food for us on the way home, but there was also another text, one that I loved seeing.

From: Techno

Because being a dog is exactly how we should be living our lives. Enjoy your day off :)

Image attached.

Floof, Techno's dog, was laying in one of the most uncomfortable-looking positions but was sleeping like a baby on his bed. I laughed a little, before sending him back a text.

To: Techno

Proof that your bed must be made of magic because Floof can't possibly be comfortable laying like that.

"What are you laughing at?" Tommy said nonchalantly over the mic as we waited for the game to start. "Was it a funny TikTok? You should send it to me if it is good."

"No, it wasn't a TikTok," I said putting my phone down and laughing slightly. The game started up and we both began collecting materials. "It was just a text from Techno."

"Oh right. Your new best friend, Technoblade," he said with a bit of a scoff. I couldn't tell if he was joking or if he was actually offended.

"Stop being a baby. You know you're my best friend, idiot," I said as I fought someone away from our bed. "We have just been talking a lot recently, and he's helped me out a lot on my book. You're the one that said he was a good book nerd."

"Right. That's why you guys FaceTimed the other night until you fell asleep," Tommy said with a bit of a sinister laugh. I hadn't told him that, which means Techno did. Why did he tell Tommy about it? I felt like it was really intimate. I had been more vulnerable with him than I had with someone in a long time.

"He told you about that?" I said, unable to keep my thoughts to myself. He did his stupid teasing laugh again.

"Why? Did you not want people to know about it? I won't tell Wilbur. You don't need to freak out," he said as he destroyed the final bed and killed the last team. "DID YOU JUST SEE THAT I'M SO CRACKED."

"We're just friends, Tommy," I said quickly trying to shut the idea down that he was getting at. For not just his sake, but mine. "There isn't anything to tell Wilbur."

"Uh huh. That's why Techno told me not to tell Wilbur. I may be younger than you lot, but I'm not an idiot," Tommy said in his actual serious voice. I felt myself sink in my chair, unsure of how to even respond to his accusation.

"I wouldn't say you aren't an idiot," I said trying to laugh my way out of the conversation, but he didn't let it go.

"He seems a lot happier since you two met," Tommy said as he took out another team. How he focused on the game and talked about things this meaningful was beyond me. "He actually asks to play games with us and he's a whole lot happier when he's doing it. You must have bewitched him or some shit."

"Tommy!" I said, hitting him in the game. He giggled slightly, obviously enjoying the response to his teasing. "I do not have him bewitched, and you should feel lucky I don't come to your house and beat you."

"Whatever," he said, going back to his game focus. "You should just feel pretty awesome. Techno is a hard man, like he's all closed off and shit. It was like overnight that he opened up to you. Maybe you are a witch."

"I'm going to actually kill you," I said before knocking him into the void. He screamed violently, almost destroying my ears, but luckily ending the conversation topic at hand.

I knew that I sort of had this brewing confusion under the surface of Techno and my relationships, but I hadn't even thought about if he had felt the same way. I didn't like him. I couldn't like him. So he couldn't like me. We are driven individuals. We can't do romance right now. I had to remember that.

But could Tommy be right? Am I making him happier? 

𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑑 - Technoblade x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now