Chapter Fifteen

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"Wilbur please wait!" I said following him out. Tommy seemed to wait behind, which I was grateful for. I think even in his best attempt, he would still make it worse. Wilbur was moving through the house with elegance, evading everything that would get in his way and ignoring me desperately trying to get his attention.

"Wilbur, where are you off to?" Tommy's mom said as she poked her head out from behind a corner. He plastered his kind smile on his face, trying to not make her concerned.

"Just in need of some fresh air, Mrs. Simons. No need to worry," he said before sneaking by her. I spared her a smile and followed him outside.

Wilbur was much taller than myself, and his long legs carried him much quicker than my own, and I was almost running trying to catch up to him. I felt relief rush over me when he didn't climb into the car and leave me here, but at least that meant that he was open to a conversation.

"Wilbur please just stop!" I said finally able to get a grip on his elbow. I pulled his arm and he turned toward me, looking a little less mad but still rather frustrated.

"Since when have you ever been talking to Techno? How could you have developed feelings for him?" He said obviously trying to calm himself down. I almost couldn't meet his gaze. This is exactly what I wanted to avoid in this entire situation. I wanted more time.

"Since the first night we played Rust together," I said, officially unable to look him in the eye. He hated when I didn't tell him stuff, and he would hate this so much more.

He ran a hand through his hair looking away and sighing extremely dramatically. It felt like I was being scolded by my parents, but this hurt so much worse. There wasn't a world where I had thought about Wilbur's reaction to all of this, with all of my confusion with my feelings alone.

"That's so long, (Y/N). You didn't tell me. Why would you not tell me that? It's literally been months."

"I knew you were going to react like this! Flirting with Fundy was only ever allowed because you knew we were never serious about it," I said feeling less scolded into silence. His anger was dissolving quickly. He rarely stayed mad at me for long.

He looked at me with a face that I couldn't read. I genuinely never felt like I couldn't read his face. I had never felt as far away from him as I did right now, and it was killing me.

"I'm sorry that you felt like you couldn't trust me," he said as he started to walk towards the coast near Tommy's place. He signaled for me to join him as he walked, and I jumped to his side quickly.

"It's not that I didn't feel like I could trust you. It's just I know how protective you can be," I said, keeping my eyes on my feet as I walked. His pace had slowed to a slow leisure and it would be very calming to be out here with him if it were in other circumstances.

"Do you get why I'm so stressed about you feeling this way toward Techno? It isn't just because I'm trying to be a challenging big brother. I promise it's deeper than that," he said looking down at me. I felt his eyes burning into the top of me, desperate to hear what I had to say.

"Well I sort of thought it was an older brother thing if I'm being honest," I said looking up at him. He let his face form into a somewhat sad smile and he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"I just fear what could happen if one of them hurt you," sounds like a big brother thing to me. But he continued. "They are not just my friends. I have to work with these people every day, and I'm unsure of how I could continue doing that if they hurt you. This is a matter of more than just wanting to keep you away from matters that could hurt you. I think the world of Techno, and I don't think he would ever intend to hurt you, but if he did, I would feel nothing but anger towards him."

Initially, I felt angry at him for that reason. It seemed so selfish for him to control this aspect of my life over his inability to control his temper. But he wasn't even done.

"And I am sorry for that," he said after his short pause. "It isn't fair to you to not be able to pursue your feelings because of my own work reasons. I know it's probably frustrating but I ju-"

"Don't worry about it Wilbur," I said, desperate to just get him to stop making it worse. "I'm not interested in pursuing my feelings for Techno."

"Oh. Well, now you've just peaked my curiosity." He said looking at me with his brows furrowed. I looked down, snaking my way out of Wilbur's arm. I didn't want the hug. It would surely make me cry between the anger, sadness, and disappointment I was feeling from this entire conversation.

"I need to finish my book," I said looking back at him. "It's my number one priority. I won't let a romantic relationship this messy get in the way of that."

He gave me a sad smile before continuing to walk. No more words needed to be said.

The rest of our walk, I ran through the emotions of what Wilbur had said truly hit me. Being with Techno wasn't something that was possible at this time. I knew that now more than anything. He likely didn't feel the way I did, but if he had it didn't matter anymore. In the Gold family, careers just had to come first.

That didn't mean it didn't hurt. I was absolutely heartbroken. Something this enjoyable, something I looked forward to every day felt like it had been swept out from underneath me in a matter of seconds. I knew it wouldn't be smart to let things continue the way they have been going.

But maybe that's just for the best. I knew that this romance was something that was making it hard to write. He would tell me to go to sleep in the middle of my most productive moments, he would keep me entirely distracted on days I needed to meet goals.

He also kept me happy. He made it easier to wake up in the mornings and exciting to fall asleep at night. He was helping me not work myself into the ground. He was everything I felt like I needed right now.

Ultimately, I could feel however I wanted about the situation, but it didn't change that things were over.

But that didn't mean that it didn't absolutely crush me when I looked at my phone and saw a text from him.

From: Techno :)

Unsure if I'll hear from you much this weekend and realizing I'll miss you a ton. Just have fun :)

And it hurt, even more, having to put my phone back into my pocket without responding.

Author's Note

Thank you so much for the love on this story! I have been loving the process of writing it and love that people are enjoying it as much as I am. Please continue to leave votes because they mean the world to me and help bring this story to other readers. Additionally, I love seeing any comments people have! So feel free to leave some! 

Thank you so much! 


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