chapter 2

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Paris's Pov

At Quake, Phoebe pushed through the crowd heading to the bar where I was sitting drinking a Soda. I looked up and waved her over. Phoebe nodded and almost ran in to a couple entering the restaurant because she had been focused on me instead of her surroundings.

Phoebe apologized to them and walked slower over to me.

Once through the main crowd, Piper intercepted her looking frustrated and nervous. "I'm gonna kill him." Piper muttered, throwing her hands up dramatically. She grabbed a bill folder off a table and walked toward the cash register and I.

"Who?" Phoebe asked, glancing around in confusion before she and I followed Piper.

"Chef Moore. He with the phony accent hires me and then quits to open up his own place. Thank you very much." Piper ranted going behind the cash register as Phoebe and I took a seat next to each other.

"She's been talking about nothing but him since I got here." I whispered under my breath as a warning to Phoebe.

Phoebe nodded slightly to show she heard and watched Piper swipe the card that she pulled out of the bill folder. "I don't see any Customers complaining." Phoebe pointed out as a Compliment to her stressed older sister.

"Hello, I am not a restaurant tour. I'm a chef. I have no idea what I am doing. Are you wearing my dress?" Piper asked Phoebe glaring at her while I laugh.

Brittany comes over to us.

"Hey, Brittany. Ooh, I Love that tattoo." Phoebe said.

"Thanks." Brittany said.

"In the States, yeah. I got it done in Tahiti. Keep the change, Piper. I gotta Jam." Brittany said as she left.

"Ok say hi to Max." Piper said.

"Bye." Brittany said.

"Table nine please." Piper said to a waitress.  Phoebe sees a guy and has a premonition. Now back to my dress." Piper demanded.

"Okay, see that poster boy to your left?" Piper looks at him. "Just glance don't be obvious." Phoebe said.

"I approve who is he?" Piper asked.

"His name is Alec and he's about to come over and ask if he could buy me a martini." Phoebe said while I snorted earning a slap upside the head by Prue who just came over.

"Ow." I said rubbing the back of my head while glaring at Prue.

"Anyways, how do you know him?" Piper asked.

"Let's just say I saw the age old problem of who approaches who. I had a little permission." Phoebe said.

"What? Phoebe, you are not suppose to use your powers, we agreed." I said.

"No, you, Piper, and Prue agreed. I abstained. Besides, it's not like I can control it,  it just popped in to my head." Phoebe said.

"That's the whole point. None of us can control our powers. That's what scares me. I could panic and freeze the entire restaurant." Piper said.

"Shhhh, here he comes." Phoebe said.

Alec walks over to Phoebe.

"I was just sitting over there wondering if I could buy you a Martini or something." Alec said.

"Martini, hmm, imagine that. I would Love one. It's Alec right?" Phoebe asked.

"Yeah, how'd you know my name?" Alec asked.

"Wild guess. Do you wanna grab a table?" Phoebe asked.

"Yeah." Alec said walking away grabbing a table for him and Phoebe to sit at.

"Prue and Paris are gonna be pissed." Piper said as if I left her restaurant. Prue and I are currently sitting near the bar with Josh and Andy.

"News flash. Stop worrying, you'll get wrinkles." Phoebe said walking over to Alec.

Enjoy. Will be back soon Fam.

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