Chapter 3

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No one's pov.

Outside the manor. Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Paris are walking down the stairs heading towards the house across the street.

"So, we're agreed? Twenty Minutes?" Prue asked.

"Prue, you can't do a party in twenty minutes." Piper said.

"Come on, Prue. When you go to a party you just have to let loose and..." Paris says closing her eyes and sways her hips. "Let Loose."

"Yeah, you two." Prue eyes Phoebe and I.  Would know.  Throughout high school so far you both everyone knew you guys as the party animals.  And yes, just watch me do a party in 20 minutes." She finishes.

"Prue's party tips- meet, greet, and bail." Phoebe said.

"Hey, I'm Sorry but some of us have a job." Prue said.

"And some of us have fun." Phoebe said.

"And some of us are have both." Paris said.

"And some of us are having a really bad hair day." Piper said.

"You know, this is a sign. Let's turn back now before it's too Late." Prue said about to turn back when Paris grabbed her pulling her forward.

"Don't be like that." Paris said.

"No." Piper said.

"It's Never to Late for a party." Phoebe said.

"It's Never to Late, Prue." Paris said.

Skip scene to the Manor in the kitchen.

"How big was this dog again?" Phoebe asked.

"Huge. Did you see the scratches on the attic door?" Prue asked.

"What was it doing in the house?" Piper asked.

"I don't know. Someone obviously left the door open again." Prue said as we all three looked at Phoebe.

"Why do you always assume it was me? What about Paris or Piper?" Phoebe asked.

"Not it." Piper said.

"When I Lived here with Grams, she's always made sure I locked the door, so I got into the habit of it. I wouldn't leave it open." Paris said.

"Hey, maybe we should get a secretory system." Phoebe said.

"No, they are way to expensive. Besides after what happened, Andy will be checking in ever five minutes." Prue said.

"Besides as long as everyone... (She looks at Phoebe) keeps the door shut and locked, we won't have this problem." Paige said.

"Oh, you told him?" Piper asked Prue smirking.

Skip to scene with Victor and Prue.

"I'm staying at the Ballmark. What do you say, you, Piper, and Phoebe  join me for dinner? Let's say tomorrow night. We can talk." Victor said.

"After you abandoned us and Paris? How dare you." Prue snaps at Victor.

"Fiery temper. I like that. It reminds me of someone I know." Victor said.

"I am nothing like you. I would Never leave my responsibility, my family." Prue snaps growling at Victor.

"I can see we have some issues to work with." Victor said.

"Oh, we've got the whole subscription. Now get out before I have you thrown out." Prue snaps.

"Is that any way to talk to your father?" Victor asked sternly as he left.

Scene to the kitchen again with Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Paris.

"You don't know for sure." Phoebe said.

"I know plenty. First some rips off the attic door, then the Book Of Shadows is found downstairs. Isn't that enough?" Prue asked.

"Why would someone want the book?" Piper asked.

"That would mean it's someone who knows us and knows that we're witches." Piper said.

"Yeah, someone like Victor." Prue said.

"What? Dad?" Phoebe asked.

"Look, just think about it. The moment he shows up someone makes two attempts to grab the book. Coincidence? I think not." Prue said.

"The craft is a chick thing, Prue. It's passed on down through the female line. There's a good chance dad doesn't know we're charmed." Piper said.

"And there's as good of a chance he does." Paris mumbles.

Phoebe gives Paris a glare.

"Hey." Paris said throwing her hands up in surrender. "I'm just sayin'."

Later on with Victor and his kids.

"We need to go to the police station." Prue said.

"What? Why? Is something wrong?" Piper asked.

"It's Paris. She's been attacked." Prue said.

"You mean that little bastard child?" Victor asked.

Prue started growling and before anyone knew it Prue had him up against the wall.

"Don't you ever talk that way about Paris!" Prue snaps.

"Her father, that damn whitelighter, ruined my marriage!" Victor said.

"What side are you on?" Prue asked Phoebe.

Later that day.

With Phoebe going down the steps.

"When in the circle that is home, safety gone and evils roam, rid all beings from these walls, save sisters four need heed our calls." Phoebe said the spell. 

The Shapeshifters has blown up and they all went to the kitchen.

When the phone goes off they give Paris the phone.

"Hello (pause) I understand Victor (pause) yes I would Love to have lunch with y'all. (Pause) alight bye Victor." Paris said.

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