chapter 7

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Paris's pov

I picked up my son as he is finally six years old and carried him to the kitchen.

"Hey guys, anyone got any idea what I should do for school?" I asked my sister's since I'm finally 16 today.

"Why not do an essay or a poem?" Prue asked.

"School is wrestling an alligator, flawed. You can't do your work like a fraud. The work keeps piling up. And you begin to get stuck. The moment you fall behind. It's as if some teachers don't mind. Almost as if they don't care. The work is too much to bear. And my parents don't understand. That school is Hard from where I stand. How's that?" I asked.

"That's good." Prue smirked.

"Fuck this." I said and wrote it all down.

Prue slaps me upside the head.

"OW PRUE STOP DOIN' DAT." I snapped.

"Paris Electric Halliwell." I hear Prue scold me.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"You better be or I'll start doin' it harder." Prue scolded.

"Kinky." I said smirking at my older sister.

"Shut up." Prue scolded me.

"Sorry Sissy." I say smirking.

Prue kisses my head.

Scene Manor.

Prue, Phoebe, and I was carrying groceries in the house.

"I don't know Phoebe, the Betsey Johnson dress may be a bit too much for work." Prue said.

"That's what a new wardrobe's all about." Phoebe said.

"You have to push the limit." I said.

"Yeah, and stretch the budget. Maybe I should just check with Piper." Prue said.

We hear Piper laughing and then Piper and Leo running in. Piper sees us and stops same with Leo.

"Oh my God Prue." Piper said freezing Leo and tripping over his leg and lands in front of there feet having help up by Prue and Phoebe.

"I'm so embarrassed." Piper said.

"Of course, she may have other things on her mind." Phoebe said.

"You mean like having her way with the handyman?" I said laughing my Ass off.

"I thought you guys were supposed to be shopping." Piper said.

"Obviously." Prue said pointing at all the bags we were putting away.

Phoebe noticed Piper's shirt was unbotton.

"Oh, look, front clasp bra. She means business." Phoebe smirks.

"Serious business." I said smirking bursting out laughing my Ass off.

"Do you mind?" Piper asked.

"No, are you kidding! I think it's great. As long as he's not still on the clock." Phoebe said.

"That's what I mean. You guys have to get out of here before he unfreezes. I never know how long this things last." Piper sees all the shopping bags. "How much did you guys spend?" Piper asked.

"Lots. Prue's new look is perfect for an SHW." Phoebe said.

"SHW?" Prue asked.

"Single hot witch." Phoebe and I said smirking.

"Hmm." Prue said.

"Prue, are you sure this isn't depression buying? You know post-breakup?" Piper asked.

Phoebe gets some red, sexy lingerie out of a bag.

"Does this look like something a depressed woman would wear?" Phoebe asked.

"Hmm, maybe you should borrow it." Prue said.

"Okay, time's up. You three gotta go." piper said pushing us in to the living room. "Go, go in there and be quiet." Piper finishes.

Piper walks over to Leo and stands where she was standing. He unfreezes and they run up the stairs.

 Scene: Manor. 

Prue's room.

Kit's there. Prue walks in and unzips her sweater. Rex Astral Projects next to Prue. Kit growls and hisses at him.

"Kit, what is it?" Prue asked.

"You forgot to unpack your briefcase when you got home from work. You want to do it right now." Rex says, Prue walks over to the breifcase and unzips it. You see a tiara in there. "What you're about to pick up is a tiara but you really believe it's your date book." He says the tiara is now a date book. She gets it out. "Now put it in your desk, just like you always do." He says. She puts it in the drawer. "Excellent. Now you want to continue getting ready for bed." Prue takes off her shoes. Kit jumps up on the desk and hisses at Rex. Rex astral projects back in his body.

Cut to Rex's office.

"Well?" Hannah asks.

"Prue, did exactly what I told her. You know, I rather like this new power." Rex says.

Scene: Next morning. Manor Prue's room. You see her try on all her clothes she brought the day before. She picks out an outfit. I knock on the door.

"You ready? Phoebe's waiting downstairs." I said from outside the room.

"Yeah, you can come in." Prue says while I went inside her room.

"Very nice!" I say about her choice of clothes.

"Thanks." Prue says. "Have a hard time finding something to wear?" I ask seeing the clothes thrown all over the floor.

"Just a little bit." Prue says looking around. 

{I'm not sure what happens next. I'm Sorry guys. I've tried.}

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2021 ⏰

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