chapter 6

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No one's pov.

At the Movie Theater with Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Paris who are waiting in line while there dad Victor is watching Brandon and Samantha. Phoebe's holding an 8 ball.

"Ask again later. How am I suppose to plan my Future without a little direction." Phoebe said growling at the 8 ball.

"You, who can see the Future is now looking for a magic 8 ball?" Prue said.

"My visions don't help me remember." Phoebe said.

"I've got an idea. Why don't we ask if Prue and Andy will get back together." Paris said.

"Oh, Phoebe please don't." Prue said.

"Ooh." Phoebe smirked.

"Interesting." Paris said.

"Very." Piper said.

"You are cruel." Prue said.

"I forget what a day off feels like. That was my boss, Martin. I have to get back to work." Piper said.

"Your kidding?" Prue and Paris asked.

"There's a conviction in town and business is just crazy." Piper said.

"But you worked a double shift yesterday and the day before that. He's working you to death." Phoebe said.

"I thought that you were gonna talk to Martin about this weeks ago." Prue said.

"I Never got around to that." Piper said.

"Well tell him to stuff it. Tell him you're taking the Night off and that's that." Paris said earning a slap upside the head.

"Quit Fucking doin that Prudence." Paris snapped as she slapped me upside the head again.

"Stop cursing and being Sarcastic." Prue scolded Paris.

"Let's go home the movies over." I said as Prue, Phoebe, and Paris went home.

Paris picked up Brandon (who just turnt 3) and Prue picked up 3 year old Samantha.

(Every episode they grow fast. They are somehow part Vampire on there father's sides.)

I pick up Brandon and pet his dog and put him to bed as soon as I make sure he eats.

Prue walks to the attic and she look in the book of shadows for the Truth spell.

"For those who want the truth revealed, open hearts and secrets unsealed, from now until it's now again, after which the memories end." Prue starts.

Cut to downstairs with Piper, Phoebe, and Paris.

"I guess you didn't talk to your boss." Phoebe said as Paris sat down on the couch with Samantha on my Lap rocking her to sleep.

"Of course I did, just like I said I would. Am I getting a zit on my chin?" Piper asked.

"Can't even see it." Paris said.

Cut back to the attic.

"Those who now are in this house, will hear the truth from others mouth." Prue finishes.

Cut back to downstairs.

"You really can't see it?" Piper asked.

"Are you kidding? It looks like that thing has a Life of it's own." Paris said as she laid Samantha down on the couch next to her and covers her up.

"So you really told off Martin, huh?" Phoebe asked.

"No I lied. I chickened out." Piper said.

Cut to back in the attic. Prue's dialing Andy's number on her phone.

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