Twelve: Siblinghood, Friendship, Rivalry

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"That's right again. Claudia Rivers and Preston Rivers are children and descendants of the same Rivers family and ancestors that carried the religious traditions of worshipping lord Cloudy throughout the years." Blossom explained, nodding. "To put simply, they're family to each other. They're siblings."

"Preston!" Claudia suddenly cried, a devoted innocently sad gaze on her face. "I've been searching for you and the rest of the family that went missing! Please just leave those boys alone and come with me, your sister!"

"But C-Claudia... I-I was going to have you come with me and join the Antagonist Trio. These two annoying jackasses are my friends!" Preston replied, as devoted and troubled.

"These other people you call retarded Peacemakers are my friends, too!" Claudia told him.

"Well, this is a problem." Annalise said bluntly.

"Meaning to say, after all this time, you were with those jackasses?! No, we can't be fighting on opposite sides! Not after all that happened! We're siblings, Preston! We should be together, especially during this time!" Claudia continued.

"Yes, I agree that we're siblings bounded to be together! Which is why you yourself should leave alone those Peacemaker miscreants and come with us instead!" Preston told her.

"Preston, the missing cases of our family might be the responsibility of the darkness realm's culprit Andrew Ravens, the b*stard you call your friend and who your ally is currently! Didn't you think of that?!" Claudia pointed out furiously.

Preston feels a light shock as his troubled gaze was softening in realization. 

He seemed regretful and hesitant as he takes a step back and avert his gaze away. "W-We don't know that yet..."

"You don't know that yet because you don't want to believe it!"

"C-Claudia, the missing cases of our parents happened before the darkness realm incident!"

"What makes you think joining the Antagonist Trio with you is any good then?!"

"Ahaha, g-guys? D-Do we even have time for this-?" Brandon nervously chuckled.

"I mean, I suppose they truly are siblings for they have visibly similarly related genes... especially with both their headstrong, sarcastic personalities." Blossom sighed. "What a fateful reunion."

"Right! We don't have time for this at all! Let's get on with this already!" Stella Stonks shouts energetically, and she runs towards the Antagonist Trio.

Smirking boisterously and using up all her energy, Stella brings up her small hand in a fist and executes a fierce blow unto Andrew Ravens. 

But Andrew calmly moves aside and the punch hits poor Brandon instead who was behind him, her fist landing into his face.

Thus the bunny magician collapses backwards to the floor, disoriented and injured. 

Andrew teleports behind her and Stella instantly turns around, having sensed his teleportation mana. Ribbons unbind from behind his cloak and reach out freely to the scholar girl.

Stella opens her handbag and pulls out her spiked morning star ball weapon, but Annalise swiftly slides in front of her and summoned stars and moons to attack.

Beth Scarves and Blossom the Grim Reaper Girl both rushed to the beaten Andy Nightingale while both lord Leafy and lord Cloudy floated about to the Lunar Extraneous girls to help fight in their combat.

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