Forty-Four: Little Nightmares

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Previously on the ongoing competition against the haunting dooms of Amulet, the phantom spirit of nightmares, there had been two of the Peacemakers missionary group of children that surpassed the terrors thus far.

These being Claudia Rivers the twelve-year-old stranded priestess, who last was approached by Andy Nightingale's ghost, and Beth Scarves the thirteen-year-old last of the fortune-telling descendant, who confronted with the tragic souls of her passed family.

Now here fixates on the illusionary trial of which both youthful boys are entrapped, Preston Rivers the thirteen-year-old adamant priest and Brandon Snare the thirteen-year-old ambitious magician after his hare father.

And so the scene sets as it began... there were white, plain eyelids that had shut in its rest, though they stirred and pinched like consciousness twitching and vibrating in resurfacing.

Like the spark of the subconscious tweaking the sensory lines and signaling its blocked state.

The youthful, rabbitoid eyes blinked open abruptly, the hint of velvet spirals had danced like the glint of daylight in his pupils for a second and then dissipated as quick as his eyelids openly sprung.

His senses had awoken immediately that even an internal breath was hitched through an audible, muffled gasp.

By just the jolted lifting of his own eyes, Brandon found his dumbfounded self standing in the spotlight of a grand stage, right in the middle of dozens of people watching.

The first thing he'd yet witness once he came to was a crowd of creeping, lurking eyes and slit sockets, only to be formed as the audience gawking back at him ever so ominously, judgmentally even.

The sight expectantly jolted in him a feeble heart attack, and cold sweat was already dripping slightly by the young rabbit's face.

The audience itself didn't appear so much as normal people, maybe so from far distances, but from this angle it seemed that they were more blurred, disfigured shaped and silhouettes.

As though making out their legitimate identities was the fuzziest thing from a fever dream.

If he didn't know better, it was a first for him in a long time to feel this kind of stage fright experience to this weird crowd of people.

W-Where, Brandon thought uncomfortably, but obliviously. am I—

The idea of his thoughts continuing and flowing any more with other questions was cut off by a fuzzy voice.

"Now then, I, the Magically Charming Magician Barnett Snare, will gradually share to you, the act of my gifted son! It's his time to shine~!"

Brandon's eyes widened more than when he opened them the first seconds, reacting as soon as he heard this older-sounding magician's introduced name before the announcement was finished.

In response to the declaration, the people chorused a ghastly, ungodly orchestra of sounds, calling back to the hosts on the stage as some forlorn cheering.

Trying his best to ignore the perturbing watchers, Brandon focused his attention to the other singular voice that cried out first, turning anxiously to his side.

A rabbit humanoid, just like he was, but with extended height and age, a more sophisticated style in the magician outfit than Brandon's, and matching a orangish ginger of both fur and hair color.

However, when Brandon had looked over to his side to begin with and was met with this familiar man, the rabbit-eared man himself loomed down so quickly and directly looked back at the younger hare, pressing on the latter's unprepared shock.

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