Twenty-Nine: The Storm of Sorcery's Force

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[Disclaimer: This chapter was a bit rushed, so apologies if I didn't write it very well. If I can, I might as well update the context of this chapter soon if ever there are some parts of the plot here that don't make sense. I'm not a very professional writer, but I will try my best to write the story of Young Magic with true potential and talent of my own the best I can. Thank you for reading and have a nice day, dear reader. :3]

Hours later, it was around a late afternoon of the day.

The Young Magic Peacemakers were all gathered nearby the dark and gloomy tower of sorcery, namely the true humble abode of which Andrew Ravens had resided within.

Coincidentally, said tall tower was just a few distances away from the significant kingdom of Hopeshire Castle, which would've explained how Andrew Ravens arrived there to host the darkness realm incident in the first place just a year ago.

Little did each of them know, there were many other children secretly spying and hiding in nearby trees and bushes.

Once a pesky and sneaky child, you just couldn't help yourself. After all, the spying and hiding children are all close allies with the Peacemakers alliance.

Maybe they could offer a help when the right time comes.

"We shouldn't be here," Beth Scarves warned worriedly. "We won't be actually fighting at all!"

"W-What's g-going to happen, t-then?..." Leafy nervously asked, lightly terrified.

"One of us is gonna get kidnapped, just like what happened with Andy several days ago!" Beth informed them urgently.

"While all of us are just waiting here? So a dumb trap, it is." Claudia muttered in realization.

"Do we just call off the deal?" Blossom inquired sternly.

"B-But w-we're already here!" Leafy blurted out. "M-Must we really... f-face them off and prevent each other f-from s-something of that sort happening, then-?!"

"Or we could just flee, right now," Claudia suggested firmly.

"Indeed! Everyone, we must-" But Beth stopped halfway through her sentence, as she soon gasps feebly in another momentary realization sparking through her. "E-Everyone, come on! They're gonna attack now, at this exact moment!"

"W-Where is-" Leafy tried to say, but he was immediately cut off by what happened next.

A strike of thunder and lightning would rain down and zap them. Each of them alarmed, they all leaped away to avoid the shock.

But it seemed with a closer view it had aimed for the Grim Reaper Girl Blossom instead.

Having foreseen this, Blossom swings her massive scythe in a blur of speed and blocks the lightning on her defense with a death scowl on her face.

She didn't seem to struggle, as she was just standing there while defending herself, but she surely did seem slightly pissed.

With a great force of wind exerted along with a forceful battle scream, Blossom attacks her scythe forward and deflects the lightning away.

Her skirt swings its ruffled cushions as she made such a swift and strong movement, but she was then caught off guard when a strike of lightning in a blur of gold and purple flashed right behind her.

With a breathy high pitched gasp, Blossom abruptly spun her heels and swung her head to the flash of gold and purple blur just now.

She shot a glance at it with a struck look of disbelief, but she was too late to evade it now. It attacks her, and she quickly clutches her arms around her zapped waist.

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