Atlantian and the Cajun

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Nick shivered as a sudden chill went down his spine. The idea to see why Ash stopped answering his phone, not looking so great now. Really, since when does Acheron Parthenopaeus, not answer his fucking phone. He wasn't at a dragoncon either. So here he was in front of Ash's house wishing to hell to be at home with Kody. Gathering himself, Nick raised his hand and hit the doorbell.

Acheron jerked as he heard the doorbell ring. The sound of it was both shrill and unnerving. Whoever was at the door had better be a someone important or else he was going to kill them without a second thought. Reaching for the knob, he opened the door to show a smart mouthed Cajun of the name Nick.

"Nick, what do I owe the pleasure of having your annoyance on my doorstep?"

Nick damn burst out laughing at those words."Aw, Ash now that's not nice. I'm only here to see why you've been so distant. So, what the hells up with you anyway?"

Acheron shook his head at him, gods the kid was....ah....different."Boy, you need to mind your own business"

"Ash, you should know the boss of my boss not answering his phone and having said boss sending me to find out why, is my business."

Ash pushed his lips, pondering the thought of eating the kid, but sadly his mother would kill him for it. "You might as well come in from rain. Don't want you getting soaked, and your mom going mama bear on me for letting her baby get sick."

"Thanks, I think." Walking through the door Nick looked around the flat in which Ash lived. Clean to a point the room looked like any-other living room. Coach, TV, recliner, coffee table, all except the insane number of ancient scrolls and books. Damn , where is all his stuff. " Hey Ash, where is everything. It's, I don't know kind of vacant in here. You'd think an eleven thousand year old god would have some more shit in his house."

Ash sighed, " Nick , first watch your language,  second the rest is at my other house."

 "Oh, okay, that's good to know". The words came out sarcastic and juvenile, pure Nick. Shaking his head, Ash froze as he caught a slight movement out of the corner of his eyes. Nick strided farther into the room and slowly picked up one of the books off the stack on the end table. He felt a slight rush go through him.

Watching him Ash shivered. The way Nick moved, slightly like a sensual  beast and a backwards teen. Damn, what was he thinking Nick was off limits on so many levels. Fucking shit, when his thoughts started to get like this, it meant his blood hunger was rising. Blood hunger meant flesh hunger. In any way it can get it.  

"NO" It was a harsh command inside Ash's head, one he tried to heed as he made his way across the room. Acheron moved slightly in front of Nick,the blood hunger winning against his common sense. With a soft groan Ash leaned over and kissed him right smack dab on the mouth. Nick jerked back, sputtering and wiping his mouth.

" Wa the fuck, since when have you been gay and DUDE WHERE IS THE FUCKING MOUTHWASH?????!!!!!"

Moving back a few pace, Ash forced himself to answer. "Nick, I'm sorry. That ,that wasn't meant to happen. At all. "

" How the fucking hell was that unintentional?!"

"You asked me once if I drank blood, well that answer is yes. I don't like that I have to and I have no control over it or its urges. When it hits I don't just want blood, I also developed a taste for flesh, any type of I can get ."

"You mean," Nick swallowed, "That the reason you kissed me was because your blood hunger is rising?" Ash shifted nervously, "Yes." Nick's eyes widened. Shit, could this get any worse. Taking a deep breath, Nick settled himself before continuing, "So, what if I let you feed on me? Just blood, no flesh or anything."

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