A&C 2

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Closing his eyes, Ash shook his head. " I might not be able to just take blood Nick. I might not be able to control it. I don't think I want to risk trying and have something bad happen."

Nick took a deep breath, " I want to try. If I can help,I want to. Just try to have a little control please." The words came out rushed, barely above a whisper. 

 Ash moved sightly back from him , shaking his head as he did. "Nick, no. Not only no, but hell fucking no. Don't push the subject, your mother would cut off my boys, scold me, and then kill me. Then bring me back and do it again. " 

"Fine." That one word came out soft, almost inaudible. Nick shifted his wight, masking the movement of his right hand with his body. Silently he cut his finger with his pocket knife. Swallowing, Nick lunged forward garbing Ash's arm with his left hand and bringing  his other hand to Ash's mouth.  Acheron shifted opening his mouth to say something, not seeing the blood on Nick's finger. Nick slid his finger straight into Ash's mouth and onto his tongue. 

Ash jerked as his tongue hit the cut in Nicks finger, and just like that all resistance faded. The need to feed to take becoming unbearable. A low growl rumbled deep in his chest before he jerked Nick closer. Releasing Nick's finger and Acheron sank his fangs deep into Nick's neck.

 More to come, for now use your imagination.

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