The Beginning

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The universe was as calm as the deep ocean. Darkness had consumed the whole universe. Except, an only source of light, a bright energy was shining bright enough to push the darkness away from itself.

'He' had a wish to fill this universe with colours and bring it out alive, but the only thing was he wasn't sure about was if he was ready for all of this to start. He had the knowledge of where it all would be led. After sometime of arguing with himself, he came to a conclusion. He closed his eyes gently, as he concentrated on his work.

The darkness took steps back as he started to shine a lot more than he normally would. A lotus sprung from his navel, as it blossomed. An energy was visible standing on top of it. Another energy radiated from him, it rather looked similar to fire.

Narayana gently opened his eyes, he now knew how long of a journey this would be. He knew how much happiness would he find but at the same time, he also knew how dangerous this step was. Both of the energies bowed down to him.

?? - Our bows to you Prabhu!

?? - O' Lord! Order us! What do you wish for?

Narayana - You see this universe...? I've been wishing for it to come out alive. I need your help. Will you two take the accountability for this universe, just like I do?

?? - O' Lord, just order us!

?? - Our happiness only lies in yours Shri Narayana. Your wish is our command.

A smile was plastered across Narayana's lips as he walked closer to them.

Narayana - You are Bramha. You will create this universe and bring it alive with your knowledge.

He explained as he talked to the one on his left, who was standing on top of the huge blossomed lotus flower.

Narayana - I, will save this universe when any problem arises. I will be the preserver of this universe.

Then he turned towards his right, looking at the one who looked soothing yet in rage.

Narayana - You are Rudra. When the problem is such that even Narayana cannot save this universe from, you will destroy it. Brahma will be the creator, Vishnu will be the preserver and Mahesh will be the destructor.

Both of the Devas agreed with Narayana as they didn't waste a second and started with thier work.


Brahma completed making his creations. He looked around the universe, then at Narayana, who was resting on his Shesha. Later, Bramha approached Narayana, his face looking anxious.

Narayana - What's the matter Bramha Dev?

Narayana questioned walking towards him, his hands softly grabbed Bramha's shoulder.

Bramha - Hey Prabhu, I worked all my time into creating these planets and stars. Now that I look at them, I am not satisfied. They look colourless, as if a lot of it is missing and I can't find the missing piece.

Narayana smiled looking at Bramha.

Narayana - It's true, your creations look wonderful but something seems incomplete...

Bramha - O' Prabhu, when I look at you, the same way I look at the universe, I rather find colours in you. I find you complete yet I don't know what's missing in my creations.

Bramha looked upset, his sight fixed onto Narayana's feet.

Narayana - Bramha Dev, I understood what the problem is. I too know the solution to it.

Bramha - O' Prabhu, please erase this anxiousness off of me.

Narayana sat on his Shesha as he lapsed into yoga, a very deep trance. Bramha Dev was amazed at the sight.

Bramha - Lord of the universe, what samadhi are you plugged in? Whom do you worship, O' cause of causes? At your word, the sun ranges the sky, fire burns, and the wind blows. I, who am the Lord of Creation, was born in the lotus sprung from your navel. Padmanabha, you are the greatest of all the great, yet here I find you at worship. Who is worthy of your devotion, Narayana?

Listening to Bramha, Narayana swiftly opened his eyes. A perfect smile reflecting on his lips as he looked at Bramha.

Narayana - Bramha, indeed you create, I preserve, and Rudra destroys the universe. Yet, without Shakti, the three of us would be inert, powerless.

Bramha was rather confused than amazed. His hands joined at hearing her praises.

Bramha - O' Lord! I haven't ever heard about Shakti. Listening to Devi Shakti's praises dropping from your mouth like honey, my heart and my mind are eager to know more about her.

Narayana - Maha Shakti, the Goddess, is the highest power of all, and she animates the rest of us. It is her I worship, Bramha, who else? There is none I know of higher than Parashakti, and it is upon her that I meditate.

Bramha's heart was consoled with those words as Narayana lapsed into yoga, again. Narayana was radiating with energy and bright light which even Bramha was not capable of looking at.

Narayana - Chanchala!

Narayana called out her name with adoration, his smile visible through his voice. She walked out as her jingling bells which were tucked on her waist, as well as her jingling anklets were the only thing Bramha could catch up about Devi.

Narayana was ecstatic at the sight as he noticed her every little detail. Her innocent big eyes wandered around the colourless universe, yet she was excited. She walked ahead as each part of universe lit up with her gentle touch. She looked eager, just like a little girl who was left on her own for a few minutes. She ran across the dry land which suddenly had trees grown onto, the very next minute.

Bramha was impressed how slowly the universe was turning into looking ethereal. He was satisfied with his creations this time. He was greatful for Devi Shakti.


Chanchala - I'll be back Narayana, I will be back for you. I promise.

His tears were flowing down his cheeks as he still gripped onto her hand, tighter.

Chanchala - Let it go.

Her heart warming smile was the last thing he could've adored before he let her fall down from the cliff.

Devi Bhadrapraani : The Beginning Of The UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now