《 11 》

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《 11 》

Present Day |


I was laughing if you couldn't already tell. It was 11am, the next day and I was currently speaking on the phone to Shizuo. But, of course I was. Because let's be honest, who else would I be speaking to?

But in the last couple of days, I had been speaking and texting Shizuo about almost everything. It was almost hard to believe we were recently still enemies.

But, I'm sure you want to know what happened a couple of days ago with Shizuo, Tom and I. Well, surprisingly everything went perfectly fine. It took a long time to explain everything out in the open to Tom, and even once it was done, I wasn't sure what to expect. I expected he would hate me, and wouldn't even be shy about any of it. But, everything went perfectly fine. Despite everything, Tom could understand why we decided to end our feud and become friends. But, I still couldn't stop thinking about the look he kept giving me. What did that mean? It seemed so similar for some reason, but I couldn't really describe why. Oh, well.

But... back to now, I was currently in my living room, if you could call it that, sitting at my desk, and Namie was sitting across the room, glaring at me, because what else would she be doing?

But then again, I seemed to have a habit of glaring and snapping at Namie, too. I don't always do it and neither does she. It just depends on the day and how we're both feeling. But, usually, we're both feeling annoyed and irritated like hell by one another.

"You know, Shizuo..." I started and I saw Namie's eyes widen even from across the room, but I ignored her. "Shinra has done some hilarious things in the past. Once he asked me to take care of his venus flytraps over the summer holidays."

Oh, and we were both mocking someone that we both had in common. Yep. It was Shinra. Because honestly... who else would we be mocking?

"Why did you even agree?" Shizuo asked, "You should of been at home enjoying your summer holidays."

Oh, Shizuo. If only you knew how dreadful my home life was. Because I have a feeling you wouldn't think that. But it does make me wonder what your childhood was like?

"Izaya?" Shizuo started, "Crap. You're not answering. I've said something inappropriate again, haven't I? Sorry."

I shook my head despite Shizuo not being able to see me. "It's OK. You don't need to apologise, Shizuo."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, "Uh, do you want to talk about it? I know you didn't want to the other day, and you can say no if you want, and..."

I smiled, despite my own worries and my own thoughts, "Maybe another time, Shizuo."

"Sorry. I'm being intrusive."

"No, you're not. I'm ready to tell you, but it's just better if I tell you another time when I'm not being intruded on by nosy ears."

I saw Namie glare at me from across the room and I smirked. Then, after a moment she huffed and stood up and walked far away from me with a harsh stride in her step. I saw her disappear behind my many bookcases, but I was no longer focusing on her.

I was thinking too much about telling Shizuo, because I could now, and if I wanted anyone to know about my life, it was him. I trusted him. Was that ironic? Possibly.

I spun around in my chair and faced the window. It was a cloudy day today, but I still enjoyed the view, because there was always something beautiful about Tokyo.

some things are better left unsaid ; shizaya | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now