Chapter 12: The New Guy

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Leaper nudged Zealous in the ribs to get his attention.
"Ow! That hurt!" Zealous grumbled.
"Sorry. Just, why are we here?" Leaper asked him.
Someone had gathered all of the soldiers who were able to the main hall. All of the chairs had been removed, making everyone stand up. They had been there for a good few minutes now, and Leaper's legs were beginning to ache. 
"How should I know?" Zealous huffed.
"I don't know. I just hoped you would," Leaper sighed.
Then, the door opened and several new soldiers began to pour in. Leaper hadn't seen a single one of them before, and neither had Zealous, who looked equally confused.
"Who are these people?" Zealous wondered.
"I think they're new recruits. Is this a welcome assembly?" Leaper muttered.
"They gathered a whole lot of people here if it's that. Even Earbender's here!"
Zealous pointed over at Earbender, who was talking to Climber. Earbender looked sympathetic to Climber... what had happened?
Earbender pointed over to Leaper and Zealous, then Climber began to walk over to them.
"What's wrong?" Leaper asked Climber.
"I never wanted to be here," Climber replied.
"What do you mean?"
"I don't want to be a soldier anymore, Leaper. When I broke my leg, Heskan wanted me to help out with the new trainees, which I did. I like kids. I enjoy seeing their smiles when they are pleased. It may sound depressing, but I do. When me and Heskan got word that the recent war had been so devastating on the army's numbers, I decided to step up. Heskan wanted to help too, but he's so old and he was so shaken up by your father's death, I just couldn't allow it. I was worried that he'd lose his mind or get killed or something."
They paused.
"Is he really that upset?"
"Weren't you?"
Leaper didn't respond. Climber's brown eyes bore into him as Leaper stared back.
"Enough! Climber, did anyone tell you why we're all here?" Zealous shouted.
"Apparently there's a new Admiral or something? That's what I was told," Climber shrugged.
"Oh," Leaper nodded grimly.
"He's taking his precious time, isn't he?" Zealous frowned.
Almost as if he were listening, the new Admiral suddenly revealed himself on the stage. His scales were bright green.
Like Shieldbiter, Leaper thought grimly.
The Dragonborn had a black cloak and a purple and brown tuxedo. He was dressed to impress, even though there was no one who would be impressed. He was acting like some kind of celebrity.
"Hello, ladies and gentlemen!" The man smiled.
No response. Just blank faces.
"Alright then."
The man hopped off of the stage and looked at everyone on the front row.
"Everyone, my name is Nadarr. I will be your new Admiral until Donaar's son is old enough. In my army, there will be no room for weakness. If you cannot handle the pressure of this army, leave now."
Silence, in which no one left, and Leaper and Zealous exchanged looks. The silence stretched on for a while, in which the only sound was Nadarr's shoes as they clacked along the floor, while he judged the soldiers silently.
When Nadarr reached Leaper, he smiled.
"Well, well, well," Nadarr grinned.
"Nice to meet you, sir," Leaper said neutrally.
Nadarr walked closer to Leaper, and it was all he could do to keep looking forward. If he got any closer, they would be touching.
If a human were in the room with them, they would have heard Nadarr whisper, "Dout opsola stole nomeno role de ve ihk drongilt loupon coi jalla qe legal ihk. Lae punishment, si geou xurwk dout tobor vi waphir uoinota."
But, if you understood Draconic, you would have heard, "Your father stole this role from me for longer than it should be legal for. As punishment, I will make your life a living hell."
Leaper shuddered and looked at Nadarr with wide eyes.
Who the hell does this guy think he is?!
Zealous, the only other person who heard, looked at Leaper, not believing what he had just overheard.
"Oh my God," Zealous whispered.
Leaper didn't reply. There was no point. His life was already doomed, anyway.

"Not good enough," Nadarr hissed.
The soldiers were just doing a drill with some simple exercises, but nothing was good enough for Nadarr. Leaper made out that he wasn't annoyed, and worked somehow even harder than before. Nadarr just sneered and moved on.
"He's in a mood," Zealous said from next to Leaper, once Nadarr was out of earshot.
"He's always in a mood," Leaper replied frustratedly.
"What exactly did you do to him?" Earbender teased Leaper. He knew really that he hadn't done anything; Earbender just loved getting reactions out of people. It used to annoy Leaper, but he figured it was just banter nowerdays.
"Apparently it was something about my dad having his dream job and him waiting for him to die so he could be Admiral instead."
"That's ridiculous," Zealous scoffed.
Leaper felt Nadarr looking at him behind his back off in the distance. It was a skill he had developed a lot recently.
"Do you think I don't know that?" Leaper sighed.
"No talking!" Nadarr shouted.
Then, completely unexpectedly, Nadarr turned Leaper around and slapped him across the face. Leaper yelped; a stinging pain erupted across his cheek.
Zealous and Earbender immediately stopped the drill, but no one else did out of fear.
"What was that for?" Zealous asked Nadarr.
"He talked. That's not allowed," Nadarr smiled, rubbing his palm that he used to slap Leaper.
"But we were talking too, though! Why just him?"
"If you wish."
Then, Nadarr slapped Zealous, too. Earbender rounded on Nadarr.
"You disgraceful son-of-a-bi-" Earbender began, but was cut off by Nadarr slapping him too.
Nadarr looked up menacingly at everyone else around the room; they had all stopped doing the drill. He made to hit someone else, causing them to flinch fearfully, but Akra appeared to interrupt him.
"You'd best stop now. You've done enough," she hissed.
"How very dare you talk to me like that!" Nadarr shouted.
Akra narrowed her eyes.
"You'd best stop now. You've done enough," Akra repeated in a more dangerous tone.
Nadarr grunted.
"You're all dismissed. You may go," he said, then walked quickly out of the room.
Akra came over to help them, but Leaper was more interested in Climber, who had left without them and hadn't helped.

"I can't believe Nadarr! What did I do to him?! I didn't hurt him or offend him or anyone he loves!" Leaper shouted once they were back in the room.
"Leaper-" Zealous sighed.
"I don't know how he can treat people like that! How has nobody told anyone about him yet?!"
"Leaper-" Zealous repeated.
"We're assets to him! If we weren't there, then everyone would die. I can guarantee you that!"
"Leaper!" Earbender cried, and Leaper stopped right away, "Shouting won't change anything. He'll still be horrible."
"I know. Nothing ever changes for me. It's always terrible."
"That's not true."
"It is. It is!"
Just as Leaper was on the edge of a panic attack, Earbender grabbed him and kissed him again. Leaper had those wonderful feelings flood through him again, but he hated how it always had to be because something bad had happened.
Zealous' eyes widened and his mouth dropped open.
"I don't know if you actually like that, by the way. I mean, I do, but if you don't, then just say," Earbender grinned as if Zealous wasn't there.
"Whatever floats your boat," Leaper shrugged vaguely.
"Aww, I'm so proud of you two!" Zealous smiled, clapping his hands together.
"Uhh... nothing's official yet," Leaper blushed.
"It's true, I'm still waiting for an answer," Earbender smiled smugly.
Zealous stared into space for a moment, figuring out what this meant, then smiled and nodded.
"You have to say yes, Leaper!" Zealous gasped.
"Well, umm, you see, it's not as simple as loving him, you know?" Leaper shrugged.
Earbender suddenly looked serious, and grabbed Leaper by the shoulders.
"Leaper, if you are worried about anyone judging us, then I will rip their throats out. Do you think I won't risk my life to protect you?" he cried.
Leaper didn't answer the question. It didn't need answering; the answer was obvious.
Then, Earbender groaned. It took Leaper and Zealous a moment to notice it, but it was a groan of pain. Earbender sat on the floor, clutching his stomach.
"Oh my God! What's happening?" Zealous gasped.
Leaper didn't reply. He was too shocked to reply.
"Earbender, was I the only person you told about the cancer...?" Leaper whimpered.
Zealous looked at Leaper, dumbstruck.
"What...?" Zealous tried to say, but no sound came out.
"It's not that bad, give me a minute," Earbender grimaced.
But then, almost comically timed, Earbender fell unconscious.

Leaper and Zealous looked at Earbender's sleeping form on the hospital bed. They had managed to get him to the hospital within a few minutes of him going unconscious.
"I just can't believe it," Zealous muttered, his voice breaking.
"Neither could I. And then he told me he loved me, so you can imagine how I felt," Leaper sighed.
They paused, neither of them daring to say a thing.
"I can't stay here anymore," Leaper shook his head.
"What do you mean?" Zealous asked, staring at Leaper with curiosity.
"I can't be here in Delmirev. Everything here reminds me of what I've already lost..." Leaper looked at Earbender, "And what I'm going to lose."
"Leaper, you can't leave."
"Why not? Nadarr makes my life a living hell, like he promised on his first day. I'm getting revenge for my father."
"Revenge? Leaper, that's... I don't know what to say."
It was true. Going against a member of your own clan went against everything a Dragonborn stood for.
"I have to. I can't rest until I do."
Zealous looked at the floor, then nodded.
"I can't say I approve... But I can't stop you. So all I can say is good luck," Zealous nodded.
Leaper nodded back, then left. If he was to leave tonight, he couldn't waste any time.


Word Count: 1701 Words

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