Welcome Home

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I had one huge glitch, and he is sitting behind bars waiting for his lawyer to bail him out. He followed me in through the gate and I blocked him with my car. Luckily Anastasia got me to train in self defense even though I hated it. I got out if my car and told him to leave or he would be arrested. Apparently he had no idea what I looked like and that I am Elliott's little sister. He told me to get out of his way because he had carte blanche to enter this residence with his friends and throw a party. Like hell you do, leave now or you and those friends of yours will be going to jail. He actually pushed my car forward with his. Suddenly someone grabbed him out of the car and cuffed him to the fence. Wow the cops arrived and security had the other people cuffed as well. I introduced myself to Mark whatever his last name was and the head guy from security Dodge Sullivan told the cops this guy continually destroys others property by throwing huge parties and leaving the homes trashed. He owes nearly two hundred grand for the last party he threw here without the resident knowing or giving permission for it.
Let me show you what these punks did to this place and we are completing the work and he is back just as it is all cleaned about to be in one piece he suddenly shows up to destroy it again. He is not welcome here. Call Elliott Grey or even Carrick Grey and they will also say the same thing.
I have the restraining order right here. I hand the restraining for mark to stay away from all the Grey family and their properties at all times. He was served those last week and here he is again. The cops start arresting Mark and I demand his auto insurance and and fiing charges for assault because he intentionally shoved my car through the gate.
I tell the cops the cars following him need to be told to leave as well and never come back again. I watch as three security ho get names , cars, plate numbers on all the lines of vehicles waiting to enter to destroy Elliott's home again.
The cops called for back up and Mark Rawlings is taken away and we call the insurance company's number and he no longer has auto insurance. So we have to call mom and dads insurance and let them handle it and have them sue for the money back. I am telling the cops that we just repaired the previous damage done by mr Rawlings and his friends and we need them gone as well. So all of his friends were told to leave and never come back to the house again or face jail time. They left pretty quickly after that and we made the passengers drive Marks car away from the house after we took photos showing him at fault.
Let's close up the gate and get everything completed and set up the security staff to greet your brother and his wife.
Thanks for helping me with everything.
It is what I am paid to do. My dad was friends with Ray Steele and would expect no less from me.
We finally arrive at the house. Mia sent me the new codes and the door is unlocked, but a security team is still on duty and are ready to greet me and Kate. Mia placed all the paperwork for the work in my office. They are in several folders. All divided up by what they were for and the amounts to be sued for and the amounts for new additions, the amounts for clearing and cleaning in separate those. All of them are divided up and organized.
Mia said they replaced all the bedding,  carpeting, the appliances, pretty much everything and scoured the place from top to bottom and even outside and in the garage, attic. Almost a new home.
She has supper warming for us as well. There will be security from now on. Cctv cameras as well. Mark tried to have another party and tried to moved Mia  out his way, she had him arrested. And his friends ran when the cops were going to arrest them. A guy named Dodge put Mark in his place when he tried to bully Mia.
He is son of a good friend of Ray's from the service. Dodge Sullivan he is head of our new security team. You will meet him tonight. Mia is going to introduce us to our new staff. Taylor got us a housekeeper that also cooks .
Sounds good to me. I hope the house smells better.
Oh Mia and mom told me it smells great now. They had it cleaned six times just for us.
We finally make it home and are exhausted. Anastasia is asleep, So I carry her up and put her to bed. I go to my office and answer calls and e-mails and call Roz. She comes right up and hands me a bunch of contracts and we go through each one and either sign them or decline them. Then we go through the new projects one by one. Half were put on hold and those we will hear more about sometime soon.
You look tired but good. I met someone while you were gone and want a few days off to go on my own trip with her.
Sure can you get me caught up and go ahead and take a vacation.
I guess Mark was arrested trying to shove Mia's car and her through the gate at your brother's house. He brought a bunch of people with him again. The cops made all of them leave immediately. The cost for the damages was exorbitant and the money for the crews was more than the house was worth.
Not surprising. Well are we done here I want to get back to my wife.
Sure now I need a wife. Maybe Gwen will make the cut. Bye now.

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