A Sister Found

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After checking the records Georgia Anderson was not only a maternity patient she gave birth to a still born baby girl the same day Anastasia and Annabelle was born. The Anderson baby was sent for cremation according the paperwork. But no paperwork on Annabelle except a death certificate. Nothing else, nothing about her death or where she was sent to be cremated. The records show only one baby born to the Steele's. The paperwork was screwy and not easily followed. Apparently even the nursery was having issues with paperwork missing and couldn't figure out what happened. Georgia worked in the hospital nursery and the records office.
The DNA tests came back as my being Debra's grandfather. I asked if she would like to meet Anastasia and she told us, she had too much on her plate, but after everything gets taken care of with her dads estate and company she will make arrangements. Georgia Anderson took Annabelle after her own daughter was still born. The baby was brought down from labor and delivery after Georgia switched the baby for Annabelle that day on the way to the nursery. Back when there was no reason to have cctv cameras in that area. The c section went so fast due to the mother's precarious condition they thought they missed the dead babies condition trying to save Debra's life. No investigation was asked for and no autopsy was ordered until after the cremation was completed.
I can't understand how things happened that day, but we can't go back, but we can go forward from here and hope we can add Debra to our family. I ask if we can communicate and she doesn't want to until she finds out more from investigators about everything. I can understand her reasoning, but the fact I am her grandmother is a reality. She told Ray that she needs to understand why this happened and why her father kept it from her.
I know I hurt Carla's feelings, but I need to understand what happened the day I was taken from them and the day of the robbery. The criminals were going to be released, but all of them got more charges added and are in for life now. I have found out more things and I finally told the Steele's that once a person is in place I will come to visit them. Anastasia couldn't make it due to medical restrictions from surgery. I want to do further investigations and look into whether or not I was the only baby taken from the hospital. Mr Grey has had someone looking into it as well. Grace Grey spoke to me as well. I feel like I am being dragged into a family I knew nothing about. Dad kept me seeing photos of Anastasia and Christian Grey, because when I tried to search for them nothing came up on my devices, but they popped up on Taylor and mr Grey's devices. So dad had my things set up to filter anything out regarding them.
I can't believe that I was right about seeing a double of Anastasia when I visited New York. I really thought it was her, but she kept saying she wasn't her, but refused to say who she was. I told Anastasia, but apparently she thought nothing of it. If I had told Ray and Carla they might have checked into it further. Now I know it was probably Annabelle that I saw. I see people who have similar looks as other people, but none that are like doppelgängers of someone. Elliott even thought it was her. He hugged her before she knew what had happened and he nearly got arrested until we showed pictures of Anastasia on our phones. Elliott was released and from then on he watched about hugging people anymore.
Kate and I ran into Debra several times, we felt awkward after my hugging her the first time. After seeing our family photo on my phone the cops and Debra didn't want to pursue it any further. I don't hug people until I know they are who I am assured they are to me. I learned my lesson.
I just get the contract signed and the sale is complete and I leave an open invitation to Debra to meet Anastasia when she is able to. I made it all about the sale after she seemed reluctant to visiting Seattle. There is no point in pursuing it any further. Taylor and I head back home after turning things over to the my manager that will be taking things over after Debra and the current team shows them everything they need to know about.
Seven months later a woman walks into GEH she is allowed to go past the security desk.
I recalled I don't know what floor mr Grey is on, so I go ask the receptionist. She looks like are you kidding me and I tell her I am here to speak with Christian Grey and my name is Debra Anderson. She calls mr Grey and he has someone from security escort me to his office. It turns out to be Jason Taylor. We have been in contact with each other since I sold my dad's company. I have closed up my family home and have a small home here in Seattle so I can get to know my family. My father had no idea what my mother had done, since he was in New York. He thought it was strange for us to all get passports and her wanting to move to New York to his corporate headquarters after insisting on him setting up in Seattle. She was killed in the robbery before she could get money just in case someone found out she stole me from the nursery after her daughter was still born. She was not in her right mind after the giving birth to a dad daughter. She was getting a lot of questions about my having big blue eyes and brown hair, when both my parents had red hair and green eyes. I am surprised Lou didn't wonder himself. After looking at pictures from our family my parents were the only children in a family of brown hair, auburn hair and green eyes and blue eyed children. So they must have figured it was normal.

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