Enids Houseguest

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It was hard, but I found room for everyone in my house. Of course my sewing room had to be turned into a bedroom for Eunice, because it was the nicest room. We brought the bedroom set from the store room in the garage. Luckily we cover everything that we store so it was like brand new. I put my sewing room things in my walk 8n closet. Kate's old room went to Joshua and Elizabeth. Jordan and Analisa took her old room. I am glad all the bedrooms have their own bathrooms and linen closets. Jason is still in his old room until they find a house big enough to move into. It took two hours to get everyone settled in. I couldn't turn them away on Christmas and Eunice was now an in law. I had no idea I would get three new relatives and be expecting new grandchildren soon.
I can't believe I left those four to call and let Enid know we were coming for Christmas. I should have guessed when the housekeeper was shocked we were looking for Enid. We left our luggage with the housekeeper until we knew where we were going to stay. The Grey family were nervous about Analisa being at their home. I spoke to Christine and he explained it all and I kept watching Analisa after that. She kept being watched so when she went to the restroom I went to make sure that was indeed where she went to. I did see her looking at a photo of Christian and eyeing the stairs like she was thinking about going up them. I now know she hasn't moved on from the crush she has on Christian Grey. Well that solves whether or not I am staying or not. I am going to be glued to her side from now on. She might have fooled Jordan, but she hasn't fooled me. Enid has genuine concerns and so do all the others.
I look at Christian's photo and see the stairs and think about finding his old bedroom and suddenly feel like I am being watched and put the photo back and use the restroom and go back and sit down by Jordan. I thought about lying and saying the baby was Christian's. I seduced Jordan the night we arrived in Europe. It didn't take much and my pregnancy could be contributed to Christian's being the father it was within the period I could have gotten pregnant by him. But Joshua caught me and Jordan and made me marry him after he found the positive pregnancy test. He told me that mom would disinherit me if I tried to pin the baby on Christian.
I told her that I knew for sure the baby wasn't Christian Grey's. I didn't tell her how I knew, but it doesn't matter that I know about his security systems and his security had allowed me to view exactly what happened and what didn't happen. What didn't happen was that she was not allowed anywhere near the bedrooms in his penthouse. The security staff blocked her from going anywhere but the bathroom near the kitchen. I was sure Anastasia and Christian were both being very honest about Analisa not going anywhere near the bedrooms and the security teams blocking her from going anywhere but the bathroom by the kitchen. I told Jordan to get a DNA test on that baby. I will also testify so he can get custody if the baby if they get divorced. He is a nice guy who didn't have to marry Analisa, but did anyway. Eunice wasn't thrilled, but she definitely is not blind or stupid she knew what Analisa was thinking of trying. Anastasia and Christian don't know what is about to hit the fan. I pulled Christian aside and give him a heads up. He told me that he and Anastasia are prepared for that scenario and have taken steps already. They already were aware of us arriving in Seattle, because they are having Analisa followed. She has been since the day she was perceived as a threat. Once a threat always a threat in his mind. Well he isn't a billionaire because he was a dumb man.
How do I go about getting Christian alone to talk to him about the baby and if not him I will go to Anastasia and then publicly announce it us Christian Grey's child I am carrying and he got me that at 17 and sent me away to hide his crime. Jordan and Eunice have been staying close to me and now Joshua and Elizabeth as well. If Joshua knew that her baby isn't his he would be highly upset.
I told Joshua about being pregnant by my abusive ex boyfriend and he suggested that we get married right away to prevent anyone being suspicious of who the father was. They would automatically think he was the father since we would marry so quickly. I have to give it to h8m he is very smart.
Mom doesn't need to know everything but she does know I married Elizabeth in order to keep her and her unborn child safe. Mom told me it was a good gesture and bringing her to Seattle was another one and she would definitely be kept safe here. Her ex can't leave Europe for any reason. So if he is caught leaving or trying to leave he will go to jail. We might not be in love, but we like one another and we have fun together. I told her that if she didn't want to have sex with me that is fine, but if she did that was okay as well, I read that pregnant women get urges for sex at times. We both have decided to enjoy sex with each other and learn about how to please one another in the bedroom. Talk about being educated, we definitely have learned a lot about sex. Especially how to be quiet while having sex.

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