Chapter 2: Morph-machine

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Oak, Elm and scientists have spent 4 hours on building the Morph-machine. It was already 7 p.m. , but after a lot of time it worked! --Finally, I've been waiting this moment for so long!-Prof. Elm said. --Me either.-Prof. Oak agreed. --This is working! I'm so excited! Which Pokemons should we put in the machine? Any ideas for Morph machine? Protecting system?-Bill said with a true happiness. --Bill, just chill, please. Do you have two Pichus?--Prof. Oak asked. --Uuuuhh, i think I have them, but in the Pokemon boxes. Do you have a Poke-center in your town?-Bill answered. --No, even after two years there's still no shop or anything in Pallet town. I guess you'll have to go to Viridian city. It has a nearest Poke-center.-- --Okay. In that case, please wait. I'll be back in a minute!-- Bill ran out of the lab and took Pidgeot out of the pokeball. He sat on it's back and flew to the Viridian city. --We still have some time before Bill comes back, so let's do some additional work.-Prof. Elm said. Engineers started to connect wires to the terminal, while some scientists were busy to setup the software for the terminal. Professors Oak and Elm had some discussion:

--So, how did decide to become scientist?-Oak asked. --To be honest, that was not my decision. My mom had a successful business as a confectioner and my dad was a famous Pokemon's science researcher. He always told me that I must become a scientist, but he didn't care about my own decision.-Elm answered. --Oh... I guess you had a terrible childhood?- --Not really. I loved my family, they always were supporting me. We usually had two holiday vacations per month. But my adult period, yes, it was not as good as would like it to be.- Elm slightly changed his face from happy to serious. It felt like he suddenly had pain in his head or heart. --I feel you, Elm. I understand what is it like to be not the one you'd like to. My parents wanted me to become a programmer, even though I was always talking about Pokemon facts. It was really interesting to me.-Oak added.- But excuse me that I interrupted your story. Who did want to become when you were a teenager?- --I've always had a dream to become a writer. I've wanted to write some fantasy or mythical books. However, everything that I've released are two science books...-- --But you enjoy being a scientist? I think you wouldn't write two books about science, if you weren't interested in it?- --Indeed, you're right. But still... I kinda feel like it's still not my hobby.- Elm made a strange grimace. He looked as if he's thinking about something serious. Lab's doors opened, it was Bill. --Professor Oak, I finally got Pichus!- --I'm coming!-Oak said. --Relax, the main thing is that you're enjoying your job! Don't think too much about this trouble.--Oak said to Elm-C'mon, Bill's waiting for us.-

Professor, why did you ask me to bring Pichus? I mean, why them exactly?-Bill asked. --I'd like tofind out if my theory will become the biggest discovery in our Era. Plus and plus always give a nice result. My theory is: If we fuse two Pichus into a one pokemon, we'll possibly get a pikachu. or just a double-powered Pichu.--Prof. Oak replied. --Hey, Bill. I heard that your machine can turn people into pokemon and back. Is that true-Prof. Elm asked --Indeed it is true! Once I even accidentaly turned myself into a Nidoran!(It seems that it's my totem pokemon now). But thanks to some guy I've turned myself back. I don't remember that guy's name... Was it Red? Brock? Ash?-- Professor Oak suddenly interrupted the conversation:--Wait, did you say "Ash"? That Ash? Ash Ketchum?-- --I don't know his surname, but I think his name is Ash. One thing i clearly remember - is that he was with Pikachu that time.-Bill replied. Professor Oak remembered something. He remembered that time when he gave Ash and his grandson their first Pokemon. --That was really something. It brings back so many memories.-Professor Oak said with a little teardrop on his face.

-Okay, nevermind. We are here not for nostalgia. Let's just finally get this machine to work!-Prof. Oak said. And, finally, professors Oak and Elm have come to the terminal. BIll handed them the pokeballs. Elm and Oak placed pokeballs into terminal's slots at the same time, while Bill had a nervous look on his face. One thing left to do is to press the confirmation button, but Oak turned to the Lab's staff and said: Is everybody in here have defense glasses?- Most of the scientists have put on their glasses. Bill and some staff workers were ready to close their eyes with a hand. -Okay, then. Let the future dreams come true.-Oak said while pressing the button. Strange sounds have started to come out of the Morph-machine. Sparkles were crawling by the wires, that were connected to the "Result flask". After all this process the "Result flask" opened. Everybody in the lab held their breath. Some steam have came out of the flask, something that has been sniffing the Lab said: "Pika-Pika!". The smoke finally cleared. --It can't be..!-Prof. Oak said with a true shock in his voice. A Pikachu appeared before the whole Lab's staff!  Pikachu ran to the Bill, carefully sniffed him. It said "Pika!" and  jumped on BIll's shoulder. --Oak... We did it!-Prof. Elm shouted. --This is a success! Everyone, we're gonna be rich!!!-Prof. Oak also shouted. The whole staff was impressed! 

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