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this is the start of a new book because i'm really bored. anyways this is a story about a place called the "plulohs" a town that has high levels of radiation that mutates its wildlife. the main characters name is Kamariah  (which i really like btw) but yeah

Kamariah pov:

I was laying in my bed. that was just it. i wasn't doing anything important, nothing relevant, just like every other sunday morning. i looked up at the ceiling waiting for my daily call with with my girlfriend raina. "What is taking her so longgggg" i whined out. i had been sitting on my bed for a whole 3 minutes waiting for her to call. okay maybe it wasn't that long but i hadn't seen her all week.

*RINGGGGG* finally. i answered the phone so quickly i don't think my phone could register it. "HEY RAINA" i was definitely way louder than i was supposed to be because she visibly flinched. "hey my love, sorry for taking so long to call" she said. she sounded so sad, she's normally bursting with energy and showing off her newest songs to me. "Hey, you okay?" I asked. i was really concerned, the more i looked at her i realised her eyes were red. "Im ok, its just the whole evacuation thing"


"KAMA, CAN YOU HELP ME GET THE NEWSPAPER FROM OUTSIDE. IM HELPING YOUR SISTERS WITH THEIR HOMEWORK" I heard my mom shout from downstairs. "IM BUSY. CANT AMARA DO IT?" i asked, i had to deal with raina's problem first. "SHE'S AT THE LAB RIGHT NOW. PLEASE KAMA" ughhhhh.

I told raina i was going to go help my mom with something and went to the front door. I quickly picked up the news paper but thanks to my butter fingers, dropped it in a puddle of rain water. The paper unrolled when i dropped it and there in the headlines in bold letters.


Kamariah's mom pov:

"Ok. amma look at the worksheet please. ASHA GET DOWN FROM THE TABLE BEFORE YOU FALL" i shouted. i had been trying to help the twins with history homework for hours to no prevail whatsoever. "okay you two. five minute break. for my sake" i watched them run upstairs to their room to do whatever ten year olds did. 

It had been about 3 minutes since i had asked kamariah to bring in the newspaper and i was starting to get worried. i stood up from the dining room table to go check what she was doing

"Kams, are you okay-" there she was at the front door step. looking down at a piece of paper on the floor with tears peeking out the corners of her eyes. I noticed the infamous logo of the "plulohs daily" newspaper and picked it up to read what she saw. 


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My eyes were still dry which was definitely unexpected. i mean, yes i was sad that we were being made to evacuate the town i grew up in but i was mostly angry. no. furious. and i wasn't upset for just myself. My family could easily afford to move to a richer town in the country, but what about those who can't? what about those who have lived here since they were born? i quickly went online to check if anything new had been put up about the protest that were said to be happening tomorrow


Raina was calling a bit earlier than usual but i didn't mind "Hey rain cloud, you feeling okay now?" i asked. she still looked a bit sad but better than yesterday at least. "yeah im ok. i just wanted to ask if you were coming for the protests tomorrow at weston?" she said. so there WAS a protest. "Of course i'm coming, i'll pick you up at 1pm ok?" "okay" raina still looked like she had something on her mind. she did that face she always did when she was thinking of something dumb. "Raina..." "What if we matched outfits colors tomorrow? "RAINA-"

Amara's pov:

"stupid job, stupid science" i muttered to myself as i walked through the path back home. I still can't believe he called me in just to threaten to fire me. "it's not like life changing scientific discoveries pop out of nowhere. they take TIME, MONEY, EFFORT. UGH." 

I walked further on the path, trying to find something at least note worthy so i could keep my job at the lab. I was scribbling down everything i noticed, sadly stuff that would be considered strange anywhere else, were basically common here. from crazoback turtles, to obsidence fazworth flowers (which were my favorite by the way). I was so busy writing by notes that i very stupidly, maybe, accidentally. walked into a tree.

i hit my head on a tree that WAS NOT supposed to be in the path. "must be a cerenya oak tree. although they normally take 2 days to grow this much and it wasnt here this morning..."

I looked around and realized. this was not the path to my house. this wasn't even the path to my street "Damn it amara. why do you always do this" i scolded myself. 

The tree wasn't even a cerenya oak. i hadn't seen it before. the bark was greenish and the leaves were different shapes. i gasped. "WAIT NEW DISCOVERY!" i quickly reached to my backpack to get my phone so i could get evidence.

I felt something crawl across my hand. "what is tha-" then i felt another, and another, and at least 3 were now on my body. you would expect by now as a scientist that deals with natural findings i would be good with animal crawling on my by know but i was not

I screamed. very loudly. while basically running in circles trying to get them off me. One of them flew off my hand and landed on a near by rabbit that had just come out of its burrow. i watched as the thing crawled across its fur and towards its eye. i was extremely disgusted. but i still recorded it anyways.

"Ive never seen any creature like this before. its like some kind of parisite i presume" i said into my microphone as i panned to the now struggling rabbit. i was about to end the recording when its eyes started to dimly. no. BRIGHTLY glow. they were a vibrant blue. 

my eyes widened and i dropped my phone to the floor. the eyes stopped glowing and i watched the rabbit hop around frantically almost like it was looking for something. it stopped at multiple different burrows in the ground even quickly digging new ones. almost as if...

it forgot where its own was?

AN: Ok im stopping here for tonight. word count: 1141 words :P im gonna do about 3 parts to this story before i move on to the next one. so yeah <3 also Raina is kinda based of my personality

characters pronouns:

Kamariah: she/her

Raina: she/her

Amara: she/they

ama: she/her

asha: she/her

kama's mom: she/her

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